EasySensors / ButtonSizeNode2

The Button Size Node 2 is a low cost wireless Arduino IDE compatible (the Atmel ATMega328P) micro-controller + RFM69HW(HCW) 915, 868 or 433 MHz radio on-board. BS2032-2
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BH1750 Public Methods Updated in Current Library #2

Open bnorth12 opened 6 years ago

bnorth12 commented 6 years ago

The library for the BH1750 has been updated. Rather than calling the method write8 to change the light meter state.


You should now call the configure method.


yurysvirida commented 6 years ago

Did you check if lightMeter.configure actually send it to sleep? should be around 15 uA not 150mA while sleeping. I could not replicate 15uA with the new lib though.

yurysvirida commented 6 years ago

lightMeter.begin(BH1750::ONE_TIME_LOW_RES_MODE); does the job. I have committed changes