EatEmAll / django-djeddit

Minimalistic Reddit clone developed as a Django reusable app
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Will Djeddit updates break old instances due to slug? #19

Closed Zerokami closed 6 years ago

Zerokami commented 6 years ago
def _genSlug(self):
        slug = slugify(self.title, to_lower=True, max_length=80)
        return slug

@EatEmAll This is the code you updated. You removed threadSlugPage and made it into slugPage and removed if self.slug: checks.

What if there are old posts with no slug? I'm not sure if it's gonna break, but I want to be sure.

EatEmAll commented 6 years ago

I've ensured that existing Thread objects will have slugs by adding them in migrations/

from djeddit.models import Thread

def genSlugs(apps, schema_editor): for t in Thread.objects.all().iterator():