Ebazhanov / linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes

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Set of questions for OOP that got me into the top 30% of applicants #5797

Open ed3899 opened 1 year ago

ed3899 commented 1 year ago

Q57. What is a copy constructor?

It is a unique constructor for creating a new object as a copy of an object that already exists. There will always be only one copy constructor that can be either defined by the user or the system.

Q69. What is the most accurate example of the Liskov substitution principle?

public class Car{
public class FlyingCars extends Car{
   public void fly(){}
public class Tesla extends FlyingCar{}
public class Honda extends Car{}

Q105. object are passed by ___?

value or reference, depending on the programmin language used

Q53. What is the function of a user diagram?

It links actors to roles played in all use cases.

Q60. You have modules that are dependent on each other. If you change one module, you have to make changes in the dependent modules. What term is used to describe this problem, and what is a potential solution?

Coupling. A solution is to refactor the code to be loosely coupled by using inversion of control and dependency injection.

Q88. In addition to responsibilities, what should be listed on Class-responsability-collaboration (CRC) cards?


Q19. Which statement is true?

A default parameter's constructor is not equivalent to the default constructor

Q90. Which relationship best illustrates an abstract-concrete class relationship?

planet : moon

Q106. What is a method?

a function associated with data and behavior

Q51. What is a reference to an object?

It is the address where the variables and methods of an object are stored.

Q67. Which statements best describe the Gang of Four design patterns called Memento and Observer?

Memento captures and restores an object's internal state. Observer notifies multiple classes of changes.

Q103. If a language just implements pass-by-value parameters to functions, can the objects passed as parameters be set to new instances inside the function and their new value will return to the caller?

No, a local copy will be initialized and will be lost as soon as it is out of scope.

Q92. How many levels does multilevel inheritance allow in a program?

only the amount of levels memory permits, divided by processor speed

Q93. What is a virtual Method?

a method that you expect may be redefined in derived classes

Q63. Which choice is a benefit of using dependency injection?

loose coupling

sha0urya commented 1 year ago

@Ebazhanov I want to work on this issue kindly assign it to me. Thank you..!!

RinaldoNani commented 1 year ago

Hi @ed3899; first: congrats for your badge and for your test performance, and thanks for sharing your answers. [I'm trying hard to tackle these linkedIn skill assessments as well, and till now I've obtained quite good results].

I'm writing because I've some doubts about question Q90 and the answer you gave and suggest; I would like to know what you think about my 2 cents on the issue. The question is tricky, at least for me.

Q90 - Which relationship best illustrates an abstract-concrete class relationship? The options are: cat : kitten color : red planet : moon truck : window

Excluding the fourth answer, which seems completely out of context, I would exclude the third one as well: the moon is not a planet - being a satellite - so it would be hard to overwrite or implement methods/behaviors that should apply to two entities belonging to completely different categories.

The cat : kitten looks like a classical 'is-a' relationship, which usually does not imply the need for an abstract parent class. (Hmmmm... or is it?)

To me, the most promising answer looks like the remaining option

The scenario may be the code of a browser or editor, that allows for the definition of concrete color classes (e.g. Red), implementing specific behaviors of the general high-level abstract class Color. The concrete classes are the ones that can be actually istantiated, while the abstract class Color is used to define the variable objects.

Note that AI generated opinions for the correct answer are, for what it is worth: cat : kitten (Chat-GTP) color : red (Edge Chat)

Any clues?

bri-tec commented 1 year ago

Hi @ed3899; first: congrats for your badge and for your test performance, and thanks for sharing your answers. [I'm trying hard to tackle these linkedIn skill assessments as well, and till now I've obtained quite good results].

I'm writing because I've some doubts about question Q90 and the answer you gave and suggest; I would like to know what you think about my 2 cents on the issue. The question is tricky, at least for me.

Q90 - Which relationship best illustrates an abstract-concrete class relationship? The options are: cat : kitten color : red planet : moon truck : window

Excluding the fourth answer, which seems completely out of context, I would exclude the third one as well: the moon is not a planet - being a satellite - so it would be hard to overwrite or implement methods/behaviors that should apply to two entities belonging to completely different categories.

The cat : kitten looks like a classical 'is-a' relationship, which usually does not imply the need for an abstract parent class. (Hmmmm... or is it?)

To me, the most promising answer looks like the remaining option

  • color : red

The scenario may be the code of a browser or editor, that allows for the definition of concrete color classes (e.g. Red), implementing specific behaviors of the general high-level abstract class Color. The concrete classes are the ones that can be actually istantiated, while the abstract class Color is used to define the variable objects.

Note that AI generated opinions for the correct answer are, for what it is worth: cat : kitten (Chat-GTP) color : red (Edge Chat)

Any clues?

I just did this skills test and apparently I'm in the top 5%. I got the question above, and put colour: red. My reason for this is because color would contain everything that's needed to make the concrete class red. Whereas a kitten may have other properties that isn't in cat.

aryan-rohit commented 11 months ago

@Ebazhanov I want to add oops interview question on it. Assign this to me.

Adi-456 commented 11 months ago

@Ebazhanov I would also like to add few great oops interview question. Kindly assign it to me as well.

priyankasaini69 commented 11 months ago

hey can you assign this to me I am excited to do this