Ebiquity / CASIE

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how to generate .ner.json files #47

Open FU626 opened 4 months ago

FU626 commented 4 months ago

Does anyone know how to generate .ner.json files? I still don't understand how to generate the files after looking that example.

I don't know how to obtain the "casetype". And the results I generated using Wikidata and DBpedia spotlight are not quite consistent with the example. 图片

staneeya commented 4 months ago

.ner.json can be generated using Stanford coreNLP. The inconsistency might be caused from the outdate of data compared to the votality of Wikidata or DBpedia.

FU626 commented 4 months ago

.ner.json can be generated using Stanford coreNLP. The inconsistency might be caused from the outdate of data compared to the votality of Wikidata or DBpedia.

Thank you a lot !