Ebiroll / RAK811_BreakBoard

RAK811_BreakBoard for platformio from https://github.com/RAKWireless/RAK811_BreakBoard
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Cannot find the configuration file for your board! #1

Closed coeus-innovations closed 6 years ago

coeus-innovations commented 6 years ago

I followed your readme until pio run then I get an error

[Tue Mar 6 00:47:21 2018] Processing rak811 (platform: ststm32; board: rak811; framework: mbed) Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option PLATFORM: ST STM32 > Rak811 SYSTEM: STM32L151CB 32MHz 32KB RAM (125KB Flash) Cannot find the configuration file for your board! Please read instructions here /Users/xxxxx/.platform io/packages/framework-mbed/platformio/README.txt

Ebiroll commented 6 years ago

Are you sure you copied the rak811.json file to the boards directory? It should be in /Users/xxxxx/.platformio/platforms/ststm32/boards

coeus-innovations commented 6 years ago

Yes the file is at the right path. Is there anything else I need to pay attention with?

coeus-innovations commented 6 years ago

Sorry my bad - I have missed out the most obvious. I have not copied the 'src', 'lib' folder as well as platformio.ini file to a project folder, and I jumped in when I saw the error.