EbolaMan-YT / UAC-Bypass

3 ways of bypassing admin restrictions/uac
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You are not an engineer, never were and NEVER will come close #9

Open MechEnjineerin4 opened 1 month ago

MechEnjineerin4 commented 1 month ago

Quit using the amazing word "Engineering" in your garbage content. There is no such this as "reverse engineering". That is the stupidest and most pathetic lie ever. Stop being disrespectful & insulting to Engineering and Engineers. You wannabe losers hijacked the great words "Engineer" and "Engineering", and started applying it to the most random, stupid and irrelevant subjects. You know nothing about what Engineering entails. Engineering means designing, building and producing real MECHANICAL systems, like turbojets and vehicular engines. You know nothing about what Engineering entails. It has nothing to do with clowns sitting behind a keyboard and decoding/programming/deciphering etc. Software dev is easy and for kids. And it has absolutely nothing to do with a serious and real subject like Engineering (Mechanical Engineering is the ONLY Engineering). Quit making false claims against engineering you. And stop being disrepectful to real engineers (Mechanical Engineering is the ONLY Engineering, PERIOD).

DualsFWShield commented 1 month ago

Wow you had things to say... it was a bit violent! And yes the Reverse Engineering does exist. If you knew how to use google you would know...

I quote: "Reverse engineering is a method that attempts to explain, through deduction and systemic analysis, how an existing mechanism, device, system or program performs a task without precise knowledge of how it works."

Have a good day !