Created new sub category as Electical engineering and added one book related to analog circutis
For resources
In this book, a new architecture for a SAR ADC is proposed to eliminate the process mismatches and minimize the errors.
Why is this valuable (or not)
In this book a collection of DG-MOSFET based analog/RFICs present the excellent performance; the automated system for a passive filter circuits design is presented with the local searching engaging; interval analysis is used to solve some problems for linear and nonlinear analog circuits and a symbolic method is proposed to solve the testability problem.
How do we know it's really free?
It is available for free download on the given url of public library.
For book lists, is it a book?
yes it is a book
[ x] Not a duplicate
[ x] Included author(s) if appropriate
[ x] Lists are in alphabetical order
[ x] Needed indications added (PDF, access notes, under construction)
What does this PR do?
Created new sub category as Electical engineering and added one book related to analog circutis
For resources
In this book, a new architecture for a SAR ADC is proposed to eliminate the process mismatches and minimize the errors.
Why is this valuable (or not)
In this book a collection of DG-MOSFET based analog/RFICs present the excellent performance; the automated system for a passive filter circuits design is presented with the local searching engaging; interval analysis is used to solve some problems for linear and nonlinear analog circuits and a symbolic method is proposed to solve the testability problem.
How do we know it's really free?
It is available for free download on the given url of public library.
For book lists, is it a book?
yes it is a book