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Spanish National Research Council books #48

Open aaferrari opened 6 years ago

aaferrari commented 6 years ago

I recently discovered that the Spanish National Research Council (or CSIC for short) has several books to download but I have doubts about how to include it in the lists so I want to raise this here before adding something.
To begin with, the site has its own system of categories, which are:

CSIC category LCCO equivalent
Archaeology and Prehistory [CC] Archaeology
Arts and Architecture [N] Visual arts or [NA] Architecture
Earth Sciences
History and Historiography [D] History (General)
History of Science
Information and Library Sciences
Life Sciences
Linguistics and Philology [P] Philology. Linguistics
Literature and Literary Criticism [PN] Literature (General)
Philosophy and Religion [B] Philosophy (General) or [BL1-50] Religion (General)
Popular Science
Science and Technology
Social Sciences [H] Social sciences (General)

Besides that, the books are usually in one of these "collections" that can help to categorize them better:

Original name Name in english LCCO equivalent
BIHES (Bibliografías de Historia de España) Bibliographies of Spanish History [DP1-402] History of Spain
Cancioneros musicales de poetas del Siglo de Oro Musical songbooks of poets of the Golden Age [DP161-272.4] History of Modern Spain, 1479/1516- or [M] Music
Cuadernos de Trabajo de Flora Micológica Ibérica Iberian Mycological Flora Workbooks [QK] Botany
Cuadernos de acuicultura Aquaculture Notebooks [SH1-691] Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
Cuadernos rayuela: bibliografías sobre América Latina Rayuela Notebooks: Bibliographies on Latin America
Estudios sobre la Ciencia Science Studies
FOTCIENCIA A word game that combines photography and science [TR624-835] Applied photography, [ZA4650-4675] Information resources (General) > Pictures. Photographs or any other that corresponds to scientific photography
Fauna ibérica Iberian fauna [QL] Zoology
Monografies de l'Institut d'Investigació en Intel-ligencia Artificial Monographies of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute [Q300-390] Cybernetics
Monumentos de la Música Española Monuments of Spanish Music [DP161-272.4] History of Modern Spain, 1479/1516-
Publicaciones científicas y tecnológicas de la Fundación Observatorio Español de Acuicultura Scientific and technological publications of the Spanish Aquaculture Observatory Foundation [SH1-691] Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
Ruizia. Monografías del Real Jardín Botánico Ruizia. Monographs of the Royal Botanical Garden [QK] Botany

As you can see, there are categories and collections of which I am not sure which is their equivalent in the LCCO system classification so I would appreciate any help or correction on this.

Another question I have is about how I should add the books. Seeing the list of books in English would normally be something like this:

Although I think the most appropriate would be this way:

All the books are in pdf to download so the first link goes to the CSIC description page and the second is the pdf itself, what do you think? I see that this was also discussed in #10 but there does not seem to be a clear consensus on this.

Other particularities I have noticed are:

If someone wants to do tests I made a script to extract the data from those books and a dump in JSON with the generated information.

eshellman commented 6 years ago

Welcome @aaferrari! The reason we use LC classifications is that when there is question, we can just look up the book or classification in a library database - LOC. So, for example books on Mycology https://www.loc.gov/search/?in=&q=Mycology&new=true&st= are classified in 'SB' or 'QR' in addition to 'QK'. We're not classification experts so use of a third party classification is needed.

The listing style (and the linter) is inherited from free-programming-books. There are many free books that are HTML or available in multiple formats. I prefer fewer links per book because every link adds to maintenance overhead.

the JSON dump looks useful!