Ecdar / Ecdar-GUI

A graphical tool for modeling using ECDAR (Environment for Compositional Design and Analysis of Real Time Systems)
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Convert diagonal clock constraints in simulation when possible #123

Open seblund opened 1 year ago

seblund commented 1 year ago

Here is how clock constraints are shown in the simulation tool now (SW5): 208062192-515749d9-1977-46d9-99a1-dab8a6a11f9c~2 We can and should convert expression with cycles like this to x=y=z, to avoid as many diagonal constraints (x-y<=c) as possible because they are generally confusing.

We should also convert 0-x<=c to -c<=x (if that is not already done)

Nielswps commented 1 year ago

This has been implemented on the simulator branch but does not account for circular connections