Ecdar / Ecdar-GUI

A graphical tool for modeling using ECDAR (Environment for Compositional Design and Analysis of Real Time Systems)
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[Feature] Trace Log Sorting #162

Open Nielswps opened 1 year ago

Nielswps commented 1 year ago


The current trace log is sorted as a stack with the current state at the top. However, this is opposite to how UPPAAL visualizes it. Due to this, it would be nice to allow the user to change the sorting direction in the GUI.

I personally suggest placing a sort icon next to the restart simulation icon, as seen in the image below. Using the icon from the image or a standard sort icon is up to the developer. (Don't hesitate to get in touch with me for the used SVG file) trace_log_sort

The logic can be implemented by modifying the TracePaneController.

Reason For Request

During a meeting, a majority of the development team (of spring 2023) agreed that it would be best to have the current state at the top of the list, to avoid scrolling to reach more current states. Due to the likeliness of users being somewhat experienced with UPPAAL, sorting the log in the 'UPPAAL' way would be a nice feature.