Ecdar / Ecdar-GUI

A graphical tool for modeling using ECDAR (Environment for Compositional Design and Analysis of Real Time Systems)
MIT License
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Show the GRPC error message when a query fails #98

Open seblund opened 2 years ago

seblund commented 2 years ago

Right now what is shown on an error is something like the following: image

But all GRPC errors (e.g. UNIMPLEMENTED and FAILED_PRECONDITION) also include a message that we set (at least in Reveaal) to inform the user of what exactly went wrong. It would be nice if this message was shown in the GUI. Here are some examples of the useful messages that we do/will send:

FAILED_PRECONDITION: "Inputs and outputs must be disjoint in component"
UNIMPLEMENTED: "Queries of type 'Implementation' are not currently implemented"
FAILED_PRECONDITION: "Invalid conjunction, outputs and inputs are not disjoint"
FAILED_PRECONDITION: "Invalid parallel composition, outputs are not disjoint"