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Velk rune finder #26

Open hailam-dang opened 3 years ago

hailam-dang commented 3 years ago

Hello, First off, thank you for making KRIndex :D This website has been a lifesaver for many KR players (especially when Epis is down).

I would like to suggest making a Velk rune finder, which has similar function to a Velk rune Selector ticket in-game. I think it would be very useful for players to check, if X/Y combo of Velk rune exist in the game without having to go in the game or have a Velk rune Selector ticket.

Thank you for taking your time to listen to my suggestion DX5536

LLath commented 3 years ago

So you would want to choose 2 attributes and have the corresponding Velk rune? If you choose 1 should there be already a list of all possible runes that match? Should there be other methods of searching e.g. by name?

Some input would be nice, how you would like a system like this.

hailam-dang commented 3 years ago

I would say similar to the in-game Velk rune Selector:

Searching by name could work, but I assume many players dunno how some stats are called vs wrong name in-game vs KRIndex, maybe a list of stats just like in the game to select would be better?

  1. If you pick 1 stat (eg. MP/sec), and all the possible combinations with this stat will pop up (see screenshot): dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-16-34 dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-16-36

  2. If you pick 2 stats (eg. ATK+Crit), either a rune with both of this stat will appear (see screenshot): dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-18-51 dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-18-56

Or if no such rune with both of the stat (eg. ATK + M.Def), nothing will appear: dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-20-33 dnplayer_2021-07-24_23-20-36

I hope this was helpful :D

LLath commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that's helpful.

We'll be adding this to our todo.

LLath commented 3 years ago

I finally got to work on this feature.

I don't really know what will be better, having checkboxes for each stat (just like ingame) or have 2 input field where you can write in like "atk".

hailam-dang commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

I think it would be cool to have both option. But if I can only pick one then maybe a tick box like in the game is better. Simply to avoid writing mistake and differences in KRIndex vs In-Game.

LLath commented 3 years ago

I am still working on the mobile view for this Feature.

But you can try it here

hailam-dang commented 3 years ago

Oooh, it looks very good already :O Just as I imagine :D Just need some polishing and it's good to go.

This will save lots of time searching for a specific Velk rune :3c