Echtzeitsysteme / java-refactoring-ttc

Object-oriented Refactoring of Java Programs using Graph Transformation (TTC'2015)
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Cannot execute hidden test #20

Closed GerardPaligot closed 9 years ago

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

When I would like to execute a hidden test, I got a NullPointerException:

ERROR: Unhandled runtime exception
    at arte.execution.TestExecution.executeTestByName(
    at arte.Arte.main(
SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

I cannot reproduce the failure at my system.

At the point the Nullpointer Exception occurs the test cases are loaded from the file system.

Which test cannot be loaded? Are other hidden test cases successful loaded?

You can try to delete in the ARTE folder the folder "data_private" and replace it with the latest from the repository.

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

Which test cannot be loaded?

All hidden tests.

You can try to delete in the ARTE folder the folder "data_private" and replace it with the latest from the repository.

I'm up-to-date with the repo.

SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

I added a workaround which catches the null pointer exception. however this exception should not be thrown. Hopefully you are now able to execute at least some of the hidden test cases until I provide a new patch.

Therefore I need some more information.

1) On which operating system are you executing ARTE? 2) What does "testcases --list" return? 3) Do you always exit ARTE with "exit"? 4) Have you tried to copy ARTE to a different location in your file system? 5) Is in the new version any hidden test case executed?

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

Did you make something with the last version of ARTE? Now, I have the message:

There is no test case "hidden_csc1_1" in the test suite.

1) On which operating system are you executing ARTE?


2) What does "testcases --list" return?

testcases --list
The test suite currently contains 6 public accessible test cases.
    "pub_pum1_2" in test case file "public_pum_1.ttc" 
    "pub_pum1_1_paper1" in test case file "public_pum_1.ttc" 
    "pub_exs1_2" in test case file "public_exs_1.ttc" 
    "pub_exs1_1" in test case file "public_exs_1.ttc" 
    "pub_pum3_1" in test case file "public_pum_3.ttc" 
    "pub_pum2_1" in test case file "public_pum_2.ttc" 

So, it isn't possible to execute one hidden test case but I can execute them when I execute all tests? It is weird.

3) Do you always exit ARTE with "exit"?


4) Have you tried to copy ARTE to a different location in your file system?


5) Is in the new version any hidden test case executed?

No, see the top of this message.

SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

Did you make something with the last version of ARTE? Now, I have the message:

Yes, I added a null check and Prinz the key oft the test case.

As the keys are derived from the found hidden test case files and not hard coded, I expected that on your system the files are not found at all and ARTE tries to execute a test case with null or empty String as name.

2) What does "testcases --list" return?

Is there really no line aftwrwards with the amount of hidden test cases. Even if no hidden case is found this shoulb be printed

So, it isn't possible to execute one hidden test case but I can execute them when I execute all tests? It is weird.

That is really wird, as in execute all execute hidden is called.

I am still on it and will fix it as soon as possible.

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

Oh, sorry ! I forgot the last line in the command result:

testcases --list
The test suite currently contains 6 public accessible test cases.
    "pub_pum1_2" in test case file "public_pum_1.ttc" 
    "pub_pum1_1_paper1" in test case file "public_pum_1.ttc" 
    "pub_exs1_2" in test case file "public_exs_1.ttc" 
    "pub_exs1_1" in test case file "public_exs_1.ttc" 
    "pub_pum3_1" in test case file "public_pum_3.ttc" 
    "pub_pum2_1" in test case file "public_pum_2.ttc" 
The test suite currently contains 9 hidden test cases.

But I cannot execute them.

SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

Ok, this fits to the behavior at test execution.

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

So it is wanted that we cannot execute them?

SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

It is wanted the you can execute them.

The cases are found in both variants but can somehow not be accessed.

SvenPeldszus commented 9 years ago

I still cannot reproduce this error. I thought this is a MAC related problem but on a MAC I borrowed me the execution of the test cases was possible.

Is it ok for you to execute the hidden test cases via execute --all.

GerardPaligot commented 9 years ago

Is it ok for you to execute the hidden test cases via execute --all.

Yep, no problem.