Ecksters / OoT-Interactive-Map

Interactive Map for the world of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
MIT License
26 stars 5 forks source link

Link to download maps in incorrect #6

Closed adamzwakk closed 4 years ago

adamzwakk commented 4 years ago

The maps download in the readme is invalid/404, could there be a reupload please?

Ecksters commented 4 years ago

Ah, I must've cleared it out, give me a couple days and I'll upload a new link

adamzwakk commented 4 years ago

No rush :) I've started my own similar project where I've included a script that generates a similar map here

Ecksters commented 4 years ago

I know it's been months, but I finally got around to changing this, I've also removed the Glitches portion of the site, as RainingChain doesn't appear to be hosting the glitch database anymore.

Sorry for taking so long, it's amazing to see others taking up the torch on this project.

As far as your project, I don't know if you noticed that I had begun work on marking all of the entrances, went as far as actually getting all of the entrance/exit data collected and JSONified, I don't know if it's helpful since the code for this project is an absolute mess, but maybe.

Ecksters commented 4 years ago

Actually, I just looked for it and it looks like I never added the entrance/exit data I collected to the raw data files.. At least not the ones uploaded here, if you could use it I can upload it (although considering it took me 5 months last time..)