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Distributed Reinforcement Learning accelerated by Lightning Fabric
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Dreamerv3 on flat vector base observation #162

Closed goodluckoguzie closed 7 months ago

goodluckoguzie commented 7 months ago

Thank you for simplifying reinforcement learning algorithms and models. I have been trying to add my custom environment to SharpRL, but despite following your steps, I am still encountering errors.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance. I want to train my agent using Dreamer v3. My custom gym environment, designed for Social Navigation (Socnav), is relatively simple and includes four mobile human-like obstacles and two static obstacles, along with an agent and its goal. The goal is to train the agent to navigate towards its objective while avoiding obstacles.

The observation space in my environment is a flat, vector-based observation with 23 dimensions, not an image. The action space is continuous and has two dimensions.

I am looking to write a script that will use Dreamer v3, specifically tailored for my environment. The script should include the following components:

I need specific and clear code that I can later modify for other environments, including those that are image-based. I am finding it challenging to adapt Dreamer v3 to my current flat vector-based observation space.

Attached is a zip file that contains my environment and a simple script for testing it. I would greatly appreciate your help or guidance on how to use Dreamer v3 with a flat vector-based observation space. Thank you!


belerico commented 7 months ago

Hi @goodluckoguzie, thanks for reaching out! All of ours Dreamer's implementation can work with both image and vector observations as is. In theory you should only have to implement your environment and select it when you run your training: sheeprl exp=dreamer_v3 env=your_custom_env algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[...] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[...], where you have to select which environment keys you want the agent to encode/decode.

goodluckoguzie commented 7 months ago

Hi, @belerico , Thanks for your response. Please can you elaborate this (sheeprl exp=dreamer_v3 env=your_custom_env algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[...] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[...]) please what should be the inputs (algo.cnn_keys.encoder=[...] algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[...]) my observation is 23 and my action space is 2.

michele-milesi commented 7 months ago

Hi @goodluckoguzie, if the observation space is a gymnasium.spaces.Box, then the sheeprl.utils.env.make_env() function will automatically wrap the observation space with a gymnasium.spaces.Dict space. The key will be the one you specify in the algo.mlp_keys.encoder list (i.e., you can choose the key you want to assign to your vector observations). If your environment implements the render() function, then you can decide to exploit the image observation too: all you have to do is to specify a key in the algo.cnn_keys.encoder list.

Otherwise, if your custom environment is a gymnasium.spaces.Dict, then, you just put the name of your observations in the algo.mlp_keys.encoder.

belerico commented 7 months ago

Hi @goodluckoguzie, here there's an example of your environment compliant with sheeprl, to be placed under sheeprl/envs/

import random
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import cv2
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces

# TO DO List
# Not urgent:
# - Improve how the robot moves (actual differential platform)

class SocNavEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(
        max_rotation=np.pi / 2,
        debug: int = 0,
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.resolution_view = resolution_view
        self.map_size = map_size
        self.margin = margin
        self.max_ticks = max_ticks
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.robot_radius = robot_radius
        self.goal_radius = goal_radius
        self.number_of_humans = number_of_humans
        self.human_threshold = human_threshold
        self.reach_reward = reach_reward
        self.outofmap_reward = outofmap_reward
        self.maxticks_reward = maxticks_reward
        self.alive_reward = alive_reward
        self.collision_reward = collision_reward
        self.distance_reward_divisor = distance_reward_divisor
        self.max_advance = max_advance
        self.max_rotation = max_rotation
        self.milliseconds = milliseconds
        self.debug = debug

        self.goal_threshold = (self.robot_radius + self.goal_radius,)
        self.pixel_to_world = (resolution / map_size,)

        self.window_initialised = False
        self.ticks = 0
        self.humans = np.zeros((self.number_of_humans, 4))  # x, y, orientation, speed
        self.robot = np.zeros((1, 3))  # x, y, orientation
        self.goal = np.zeros((1, 2))  # x, y
        self.robot_is_done = True
        self.world_image = np.zeros((int(self.resolution), int(self.resolution), 3))

    def observation_space(self):
        low = np.array(
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
            ]  # robot:  x, y, sin, cos
            + [-self.map_size / 2, -self.map_size / 2, -1.0, -1.0, -self.max_advance]
            * self.number_of_humans  # goal:   x, y
        )  # humans: x, y, sin, cos, speed
        high = np.array(
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
            ]  # robot:  x, y, sin, cos
            + [+self.map_size / 2, +self.map_size / 2, +1.0, +1.0, +self.max_advance]
            * self.number_of_humans  # goal:   x, y
        )  # humans: x, y, sin, cos, speed
        return, high, low.shape, np.float32)

    def action_space(self):
        #               adv rot
        low = np.array([-1, -1])
        high = np.array([+1, +1])
        return, high, low.shape, np.float32)

    def metadata(self):
        return {}

    def done(self):
        return self.robot_is_done

    def discrete_to_continuous_action(self, action: int):
        Function to return a continuous space action for a given discrete action
        # Linear vel --> [-1,1]: -1: Stop; 1: Move forward with max velocity
        # Rotational vel --> [-1,1]: -1: Max clockwise rotation; 1: Max anti-clockwise rotation
        if action == 0:
            return np.array([0, 0.25], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 1:
            return np.array([0, -0.25], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 2:
            return np.array([1, 0.125], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 3:
            return np.array([1, -0.125], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 4:
            return np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 5:
            return np.array([-1, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 6:
            return np.array([-0.8, +0.4], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 7:
            return np.array([-0.8, -0.4], dtype=np.float32)

            raise NotImplementedError

        # # Turning anti-clockwise
        # if action == 0:
        #     return np.array([0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning clockwise
        # elif action == 1:
        #     return np.array([0, -1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning anti-clockwise and moving forward
        # elif action == 2:
        #     return np.array([1, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning clockwise and moving forward
        # elif action == 3:
        #     return np.array([1, -1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Move forward
        # elif action == 4:
        #     return np.array([1, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Move backward
        # elif action == 5:
        #     return np.array([-1, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # No Op
        # elif action == 6:
        #     return np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # else:
        #     raise NotImplementedError

    def step(self, action_pre):
        def process_action(action_pre):
            action = np.array(action_pre)
            action[0] = ((action[0] + 1.0) / 2.0) * self.max_advance  # [-1, +1] --> [0, self.max_advance]
            # action[0] = ((action[0]+0.0)/1.0)*self.max_advance  # [-1, +1] --> [-self.max_advance, +self.max_advance]
            action[1] = (
                (action[1] + 0.0) / 1.0
            ) * self.max_rotation  # [-1, +1] --> [-self.max_rotation, +self.max_rotation]
            if action[0] < 0:  # Advance must be negative
                action[0] *= -1
            if action[0] > self.max_advance:  # Advance must be less or equal self.max_advance
                action[0] = self.max_advance
            if action[1] < -self.max_rotation:  # Rotation must be higher than -self.max_rotation
                action[1] = -self.max_rotation
            elif action[1] > +self.max_rotation:  # Rotation must be lower than +self.max_rotation
                action[1] = +self.max_rotation

            return action

        def update_robot_and_humans(self, action):
            # update robot
            moved = action[0] * self.timestep  # a. speed x time
            xp = self.robot[0, 0] + np.cos(self.robot[0, 2]) * moved
            yp = self.robot[0, 1] + np.sin(self.robot[0, 2]) * moved
            self.robot[0, 0] = xp
            self.robot[0, 1] = yp
            self.robot[0, 2] -= action[1] * self.timestep  # r. speed x time

            # update humans' positions
            for human in range(self.humans.shape[0]):
                moved = self.humans[human, 3] * self.timestep  # speed x time
                xp = self.humans[human, 0] + np.cos(self.humans[human, 2]) * moved
                yp = self.humans[human, 1] + np.sin(self.humans[human, 2]) * moved
                self.humans[human, 0] = xp
                self.humans[human, 1] = yp

        if self.robot_is_done:
            raise Exception("step call within a finished episode!")

        action = process_action(action_pre)
        update_robot_and_humans(self, action)

        observation = self.get_observation()
        reward = self.compute_reward_and_ticks()
        done = self.robot_is_done
        info = {}

        self.cumulative_reward += reward

        if self.debug > 0 and self.ticks % 50 == 0:
        elif self.debug > 1:

        if self.debug > 0 and self.robot_is_done:
            print(f"cumulative reward: {self.cumulative_reward}")

        return observation, reward, done, False, info

    def compute_reward_and_ticks(self):
        self.ticks += 1

        # check for the goal's distance
        distance_to_goal = np.linalg.norm(self.robot[0, 0:2] - self.goal[0, 0:2], ord=2)

        # check for human-robot collisions
        collision_with_a_human = False
        for human in range(self.humans.shape[0]):
            distance_to_human = np.linalg.norm(self.robot[0, 0:2] - self.humans[human, 0:2], ord=2)
            if distance_to_human < self.human_threshold:
                collision_with_a_human = True

        # calculate the reward and update is_done
        if (
            self.map_size / 2 < self.robot[0, 0]
            or self.robot[0, 0] < -self.map_size / 2
            or self.map_size / 2 < self.robot[0, 1]
            or self.robot[0, 1] < -self.map_size / 2
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.outofmap_reward
        elif distance_to_goal < self.goal_threshold:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.reach_reward
        elif collision_with_a_human is True:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.collision_reward
        elif self.ticks > self.max_ticks:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.maxticks_reward
            self.robot_is_done = False
            reward = -distance_to_goal / self.distance_reward_divisor + self.alive_reward

        return reward

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None):
        self.cumulative_reward = 0

        HALF_SIZE = self.map_size / 2.0 - self.margin
        # robot
        self.robot[0, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
        self.robot[0, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y
        self.robot[0, 2] = 0.2  # random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)         # orientation

        # goal
        self.goal[0, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
        self.goal[0, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y

        # humans
        for i in range(self.number_of_humans):
            self.humans[i, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
            self.humans[i, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y
            self.humans[i, 2] = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)  # orientation
            self.humans[i, 3] = random.uniform(0.0, self.max_advance)  # speed

        self.robot_is_done = False
        self.ticks = 0

        return self.get_observation(), {}

    def get_observation(self):
        def observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(i):
            output = np.empty((i.shape[0], i.shape[1] + 1))
            output[:, 0:2] = i[:, 0:2]
            output[:, 2] = np.cos(i[:, 2])
            output[:, 3] = np.sin(i[:, 2])
            if i.shape[1] > 3:
                output[:, 4] = i[:, 3]
            return output.flatten()

        robot_obs = observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(self.robot)
        goal_obs = self.goal.flatten()
        humans_obs = observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(self.humans)
        return np.concatenate((robot_obs, goal_obs, humans_obs)).astype(np.float32)

    def render(self):
        def w2px(i):
            return int(self.pixel_to_world * (i + (self.map_size / 2)))

        def w2py(i):
            return int(self.pixel_to_world * ((self.map_size / 2) - i))

        def draw_oriented_point(image, input_data, colour, radius=0.15, nose=0.1):
            left = np.array(
                    input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2] + np.pi / 2) * radius,
                    input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2] + np.pi / 2) * radius,
            right = np.array(
                    input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2] - np.pi / 2) * radius,
                    input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2] - np.pi / 2) * radius,
            front = np.array(
                [input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2]) * nose, input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2]) * nose]
            centre = np.array([input_data[0, 0], input_data[0, 1]])

            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(left[0]), w2py(left[1])), colour, 3)
            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(right[0]), w2py(right[1])), colour, 3)
            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(front[0]), w2py(front[1])), colour, 5)

        if not self.window_initialised:
            cv2.namedWindow("world", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            cv2.resizeWindow("world", int(self.resolution_view), int(self.resolution_view))
            self.window_initialised = True

        # empty the image
        self.world_image = (np.ones((int(self.resolution), int(self.resolution), 3)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        # draws robot
        draw_oriented_point(self.world_image, self.robot, (255, 0, 0))
        # draws goal
            (w2px(self.goal[0, 0]), w2py(self.goal[0, 1])),
            int(self.goal_radius * 100.0),
            (0, 255, 0),
        # draws humans
        for human in range(self.number_of_humans):
            draw_oriented_point(self.world_image, self.humans[human : human + 1, :], (0, 0, 255))
        # shows image
        cv2.imshow("world", self.world_image)
        k = cv2.waitKey(self.milliseconds)
        if k % 255 == 27:

    def close(self):

class DiscreteSocNavEnv(SocNavEnv):
    def __init__(self, advance_split=5, rotation_split=5):
        self.advance_split = advance_split
        self.rotation_split = rotation_split
        self.action_map = self.build_action_map(advance_split, rotation_split)

    def build_action_map(self, advance_split, rotation_split):
        advance_grid, rotation_grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, advance_split), np.linspace(-1, 1, rotation_split))
        return np.hstack(
                advance_grid.reshape((advance_split * rotation_split, 1)),
                rotation_grid.reshape((advance_split * rotation_split, 1)),

    def action_space(self):
        return spaces.Discrete(self.advance_split * self.rotation_split)

    def step(self, action_idx):
        # print(action_idx, self.action_map[action_idx])
        return SocNavEnv.step(self, self.action_map[action_idx])

The config for the environment is the following, to be placed under sheeprl/configs/envs/socnav.yaml:

  - default
  - _self_

# Override from `default` config
id: SocNav
num_envs: 16
frame_stack: 1
sync_env: False
screen_size: 64
action_repeat: 1
grayscale: False
clip_rewards: False
capture_video: True
frame_stack_dilation: 1
max_episode_steps: null
reward_as_observation: False

# Wrapper to be instantiated
  _target_: sheeprl.envs.socnav.SocNavEnv
  resolution: 700.0
  resolution_view: 1000.0
  map_size: 8.0
  margin: 0.5
  max_ticks: 250
  timestep: 0.1
  robot_radius: 0.15
  goal_radius: 0.5
  number_of_humans: 5
  human_threshold: 0.4
  reach_reward: 1.0
  outofmap_reward: -0.5
  maxticks_reward: -0.5
  alive_reward: -0.00001
  collision_reward: -1.0
  distance_reward_divisor: 1000
  max_advance: 1.4
  milliseconds: 30
  debug:  0

Then you can run any algorithm with: python algo=ppo algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[state] env=socnav Can you try this?

goodluckoguzie commented 7 months ago

Hi @goodluckoguzie, here there's an example of your environment compliant with sheeprl, to be placed under sheeprl/envs/

import random
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import cv2
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from gymnasium import spaces

# TO DO List
# Not urgent:
# - Improve how the robot moves (actual differential platform)

class SocNavEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(
        max_rotation=np.pi / 2,
        debug: int = 0,
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.resolution_view = resolution_view
        self.map_size = map_size
        self.margin = margin
        self.max_ticks = max_ticks
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.robot_radius = robot_radius
        self.goal_radius = goal_radius
        self.number_of_humans = number_of_humans
        self.human_threshold = human_threshold
        self.reach_reward = reach_reward
        self.outofmap_reward = outofmap_reward
        self.maxticks_reward = maxticks_reward
        self.alive_reward = alive_reward
        self.collision_reward = collision_reward
        self.distance_reward_divisor = distance_reward_divisor
        self.max_advance = max_advance
        self.max_rotation = max_rotation
        self.milliseconds = milliseconds
        self.debug = debug

        self.goal_threshold = (self.robot_radius + self.goal_radius,)
        self.pixel_to_world = (resolution / map_size,)

        self.window_initialised = False
        self.ticks = 0
        self.humans = np.zeros((self.number_of_humans, 4))  # x, y, orientation, speed
        self.robot = np.zeros((1, 3))  # x, y, orientation
        self.goal = np.zeros((1, 2))  # x, y
        self.robot_is_done = True
        self.world_image = np.zeros((int(self.resolution), int(self.resolution), 3))

    def observation_space(self):
        low = np.array(
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
                -self.map_size / 2,
            ]  # robot:  x, y, sin, cos
            + [-self.map_size / 2, -self.map_size / 2, -1.0, -1.0, -self.max_advance]
            * self.number_of_humans  # goal:   x, y
        )  # humans: x, y, sin, cos, speed
        high = np.array(
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
                +self.map_size / 2,
            ]  # robot:  x, y, sin, cos
            + [+self.map_size / 2, +self.map_size / 2, +1.0, +1.0, +self.max_advance]
            * self.number_of_humans  # goal:   x, y
        )  # humans: x, y, sin, cos, speed
        return, high, low.shape, np.float32)

    def action_space(self):
        #               adv rot
        low = np.array([-1, -1])
        high = np.array([+1, +1])
        return, high, low.shape, np.float32)

    def metadata(self):
        return {}

    def done(self):
        return self.robot_is_done

    def discrete_to_continuous_action(self, action: int):
        Function to return a continuous space action for a given discrete action
        # Linear vel --> [-1,1]: -1: Stop; 1: Move forward with max velocity
        # Rotational vel --> [-1,1]: -1: Max clockwise rotation; 1: Max anti-clockwise rotation
        if action == 0:
            return np.array([0, 0.25], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 1:
            return np.array([0, -0.25], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 2:
            return np.array([1, 0.125], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 3:
            return np.array([1, -0.125], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 4:
            return np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 5:
            return np.array([-1, 0], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 6:
            return np.array([-0.8, +0.4], dtype=np.float32)

        elif action == 7:
            return np.array([-0.8, -0.4], dtype=np.float32)

            raise NotImplementedError

        # # Turning anti-clockwise
        # if action == 0:
        #     return np.array([0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning clockwise
        # elif action == 1:
        #     return np.array([0, -1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning anti-clockwise and moving forward
        # elif action == 2:
        #     return np.array([1, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Turning clockwise and moving forward
        # elif action == 3:
        #     return np.array([1, -1.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Move forward
        # elif action == 4:
        #     return np.array([1, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # Move backward
        # elif action == 5:
        #     return np.array([-1, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # # No Op
        # elif action == 6:
        #     return np.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # else:
        #     raise NotImplementedError

    def step(self, action_pre):
        def process_action(action_pre):
            action = np.array(action_pre)
            action[0] = ((action[0] + 1.0) / 2.0) * self.max_advance  # [-1, +1] --> [0, self.max_advance]
            # action[0] = ((action[0]+0.0)/1.0)*self.max_advance  # [-1, +1] --> [-self.max_advance, +self.max_advance]
            action[1] = (
                (action[1] + 0.0) / 1.0
            ) * self.max_rotation  # [-1, +1] --> [-self.max_rotation, +self.max_rotation]
            if action[0] < 0:  # Advance must be negative
                action[0] *= -1
            if action[0] > self.max_advance:  # Advance must be less or equal self.max_advance
                action[0] = self.max_advance
            if action[1] < -self.max_rotation:  # Rotation must be higher than -self.max_rotation
                action[1] = -self.max_rotation
            elif action[1] > +self.max_rotation:  # Rotation must be lower than +self.max_rotation
                action[1] = +self.max_rotation

            return action

        def update_robot_and_humans(self, action):
            # update robot
            moved = action[0] * self.timestep  # a. speed x time
            xp = self.robot[0, 0] + np.cos(self.robot[0, 2]) * moved
            yp = self.robot[0, 1] + np.sin(self.robot[0, 2]) * moved
            self.robot[0, 0] = xp
            self.robot[0, 1] = yp
            self.robot[0, 2] -= action[1] * self.timestep  # r. speed x time

            # update humans' positions
            for human in range(self.humans.shape[0]):
                moved = self.humans[human, 3] * self.timestep  # speed x time
                xp = self.humans[human, 0] + np.cos(self.humans[human, 2]) * moved
                yp = self.humans[human, 1] + np.sin(self.humans[human, 2]) * moved
                self.humans[human, 0] = xp
                self.humans[human, 1] = yp

        if self.robot_is_done:
            raise Exception("step call within a finished episode!")

        action = process_action(action_pre)
        update_robot_and_humans(self, action)

        observation = self.get_observation()
        reward = self.compute_reward_and_ticks()
        done = self.robot_is_done
        info = {}

        self.cumulative_reward += reward

        if self.debug > 0 and self.ticks % 50 == 0:
        elif self.debug > 1:

        if self.debug > 0 and self.robot_is_done:
            print(f"cumulative reward: {self.cumulative_reward}")

        return observation, reward, done, False, info

    def compute_reward_and_ticks(self):
        self.ticks += 1

        # check for the goal's distance
        distance_to_goal = np.linalg.norm(self.robot[0, 0:2] - self.goal[0, 0:2], ord=2)

        # check for human-robot collisions
        collision_with_a_human = False
        for human in range(self.humans.shape[0]):
            distance_to_human = np.linalg.norm(self.robot[0, 0:2] - self.humans[human, 0:2], ord=2)
            if distance_to_human < self.human_threshold:
                collision_with_a_human = True

        # calculate the reward and update is_done
        if (
            self.map_size / 2 < self.robot[0, 0]
            or self.robot[0, 0] < -self.map_size / 2
            or self.map_size / 2 < self.robot[0, 1]
            or self.robot[0, 1] < -self.map_size / 2
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.outofmap_reward
        elif distance_to_goal < self.goal_threshold:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.reach_reward
        elif collision_with_a_human is True:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.collision_reward
        elif self.ticks > self.max_ticks:
            self.robot_is_done = True
            reward = self.maxticks_reward
            self.robot_is_done = False
            reward = -distance_to_goal / self.distance_reward_divisor + self.alive_reward

        return reward

    def reset(self, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None):
        self.cumulative_reward = 0

        HALF_SIZE = self.map_size / 2.0 - self.margin
        # robot
        self.robot[0, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
        self.robot[0, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y
        self.robot[0, 2] = 0.2  # random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)         # orientation

        # goal
        self.goal[0, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
        self.goal[0, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y

        # humans
        for i in range(self.number_of_humans):
            self.humans[i, 0] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # x
            self.humans[i, 1] = random.uniform(-HALF_SIZE, HALF_SIZE)  # y
            self.humans[i, 2] = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)  # orientation
            self.humans[i, 3] = random.uniform(0.0, self.max_advance)  # speed

        self.robot_is_done = False
        self.ticks = 0

        return self.get_observation(), {}

    def get_observation(self):
        def observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(i):
            output = np.empty((i.shape[0], i.shape[1] + 1))
            output[:, 0:2] = i[:, 0:2]
            output[:, 2] = np.cos(i[:, 2])
            output[:, 3] = np.sin(i[:, 2])
            if i.shape[1] > 3:
                output[:, 4] = i[:, 3]
            return output.flatten()

        robot_obs = observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(self.robot)
        goal_obs = self.goal.flatten()
        humans_obs = observation_with_cos_sin_rather_than_angle(self.humans)
        return np.concatenate((robot_obs, goal_obs, humans_obs)).astype(np.float32)

    def render(self):
        def w2px(i):
            return int(self.pixel_to_world * (i + (self.map_size / 2)))

        def w2py(i):
            return int(self.pixel_to_world * ((self.map_size / 2) - i))

        def draw_oriented_point(image, input_data, colour, radius=0.15, nose=0.1):
            left = np.array(
                    input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2] + np.pi / 2) * radius,
                    input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2] + np.pi / 2) * radius,
            right = np.array(
                    input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2] - np.pi / 2) * radius,
                    input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2] - np.pi / 2) * radius,
            front = np.array(
                [input_data[0, 0] + np.cos(input_data[0, 2]) * nose, input_data[0, 1] + np.sin(input_data[0, 2]) * nose]
            centre = np.array([input_data[0, 0], input_data[0, 1]])

            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(left[0]), w2py(left[1])), colour, 3)
            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(right[0]), w2py(right[1])), colour, 3)
            cv2.line(image, (w2px(centre[0]), w2py(centre[1])), (w2px(front[0]), w2py(front[1])), colour, 5)

        if not self.window_initialised:
            cv2.namedWindow("world", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            cv2.resizeWindow("world", int(self.resolution_view), int(self.resolution_view))
            self.window_initialised = True

        # empty the image
        self.world_image = (np.ones((int(self.resolution), int(self.resolution), 3)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        # draws robot
        draw_oriented_point(self.world_image, self.robot, (255, 0, 0))
        # draws goal
            (w2px(self.goal[0, 0]), w2py(self.goal[0, 1])),
            int(self.goal_radius * 100.0),
            (0, 255, 0),
        # draws humans
        for human in range(self.number_of_humans):
            draw_oriented_point(self.world_image, self.humans[human : human + 1, :], (0, 0, 255))
        # shows image
        cv2.imshow("world", self.world_image)
        k = cv2.waitKey(self.milliseconds)
        if k % 255 == 27:

    def close(self):

class DiscreteSocNavEnv(SocNavEnv):
    def __init__(self, advance_split=5, rotation_split=5):
        self.advance_split = advance_split
        self.rotation_split = rotation_split
        self.action_map = self.build_action_map(advance_split, rotation_split)

    def build_action_map(self, advance_split, rotation_split):
        advance_grid, rotation_grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, advance_split), np.linspace(-1, 1, rotation_split))
        return np.hstack(
                advance_grid.reshape((advance_split * rotation_split, 1)),
                rotation_grid.reshape((advance_split * rotation_split, 1)),

    def action_space(self):
        return spaces.Discrete(self.advance_split * self.rotation_split)

    def step(self, action_idx):
        # print(action_idx, self.action_map[action_idx])
        return SocNavEnv.step(self, self.action_map[action_idx])

The config for the environment is the following, to be placed under sheeprl/configs/envs/socnav.yaml:

  - default
  - _self_

# Override from `default` config
id: SocNav
num_envs: 16
frame_stack: 1
sync_env: False
screen_size: 64
action_repeat: 1
grayscale: False
clip_rewards: False
capture_video: True
frame_stack_dilation: 1
max_episode_steps: null
reward_as_observation: False

# Wrapper to be instantiated
  _target_: sheeprl.envs.socnav.SocNavEnv
  resolution: 700.0
  resolution_view: 1000.0
  map_size: 8.0
  margin: 0.5
  max_ticks: 250
  timestep: 0.1
  robot_radius: 0.15
  goal_radius: 0.5
  number_of_humans: 5
  human_threshold: 0.4
  reach_reward: 1.0
  outofmap_reward: -0.5
  maxticks_reward: -0.5
  alive_reward: -0.00001
  collision_reward: -1.0
  distance_reward_divisor: 1000
  max_advance: 1.4
  milliseconds: 30
  debug:  0

Then you can run any algorithm with: python algo=ppo algo.mlp_keys.encoder=[state] env=socnav Can you try this?

Thanks very much I will try it now

goodluckoguzie commented 7 months ago

Its working now thanks