Describe the purpose of the pull request, including:
This PR adds the LayerNorm over both CNNs and MLPs for Dreamer-V2. Those can be activated by args.layer_norm
Type of Change
Please select the one relevant option below:
New feature (non-breaking change that adds functionality)
Please confirm that the following tasks have been completed:
[x] I have tested my changes locally and they work as expected. (Please describe the tests you performed.)
[x] I have added unit tests for my changes, or updated existing tests if necessary.
[x] I have updated the documentation, if applicable.
[x] I have installed pre-commit and run locally for my code changes.
Thank you for your contribution! Once you have filled out this template, please ensure that you have assigned the appropriate reviewers and that all tests have passed.
Describe the purpose of the pull request, including:
This PR adds the LayerNorm over both CNNs and MLPs for Dreamer-V2. Those can be activated by
Type of Change
Please select the one relevant option below:
Please confirm that the following tasks have been completed:
Thank you for your contribution! Once you have filled out this template, please ensure that you have assigned the appropriate reviewers and that all tests have passed.