Eclipse- / EclipseUI

My Tukui Edit.
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Upon Login (this is Hinata someone has my damn mame on here) #1

Closed Noctre closed 14 years ago

Noctre commented 14 years ago

basically logged in and changed resolutions to my native one and this popped up can't quite explain why

Message: Interface\AddOns\ecUnitframes\layout.lua:16: attempt to index field 'theme' (a nil value) Time: 11/06/10 01:07:34 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\ecUnitframes\layout.lua:16: in main chunk

Locals: normTex = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\normTex" backdrop =

{ insets =
{ } } media =
{ custom_texture_1 = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\empath" custom_font_3 = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\caith.ttf" normTex = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\normTex" whisper = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\sounds\whisper.mp3" custom_font_4 = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\zrnic.ttf" dmgfont = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\fonts\combat_font.ttf" glowTex = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\glowTex" custom_font_1 = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\visitor2.ttf" uffont = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\fonts\uf_font.ttf" backdropcolor =
{ } blank = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\blank" altbordercolor =
{ } font = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\arial.ttf" warning = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\sounds\warning.mp3" bubbleTex = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\bubbleTex" buttonhover = "Interface\AddOns\Tukui\media\textures\button_hover" fadedbackdropcolor =
{ } bordercolor =
{ } custom_font_2 = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\media\fonts\visitor_rus.ttf" } unitframes =
{ health_color =
{ } combatfeedback = true auratextscale = 11 runebar = true auratimer = true totemtimer = true showtotalhpmp = false showplayerinparty = false raidunitdebuffwatch = true unitcastbar = true targetauras = true positionbychar = true playeraggro = true showsmooth = true charportrait = true enable = true ws_show_target = true ws_show_player = true highThreshold = 80 showboss = true targetpowerpvponly = true gridhealthvertical = true healcomm = false showrange = true focusdebuffs = false showsymbols = true raidalphaoor = 0.3 lowThreshold = 20 aggro = true health_bg_color =
{ } playerauras = false classcolor = false mainassist = false maintank = false showthreat = true showfocustarget = false cbclasscolor = true cblatency = false cbicons = true totdebuffs = false } (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = "attempt to index field 'theme' (a nil value)"

Eclipse- commented 14 years ago

You need to sleep more :D