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[Youtube] Video player area turned green #109

Closed iahung closed 21 hours ago

iahung commented 4 days ago

Windows 8.1 64 bit. r3dfox Beta b128.0 64 bit portable. F5 or Ctrl + F5 doesn't help. The only way to get rid of it is to close this tab and reopen the Youtube link in a new tab. Triggered when I'm leaving the tab playing Youtube to browse in a new tab. When I came back, the video player area turned green. Note: The audio is still being played.

K4sum1 commented 4 days ago

Hmm, maybe I should try downgrading to 127 to test videos. I've noticed some weirdness and I assumed it was just YouTube being a shit like usual.

K4sum1 commented 4 days ago

I decided why not now. I downgraded to 127 and YouTube is still fucked. This is probably an issue on their end trying to fuck with adblocker users.

K4sum1 commented 4 days ago

I will say I don't have this issue specifically, but I am also running 8.1, and it is probably par for the course with how fucked YouTube has gotten recently.

iahung commented 2 days ago

It seems the bug is triggered randomly. I don't have a way to effectively reproduce it.

K4sum1 commented 2 days ago

I can tell you that I use r3dfox basically exclusively on YouTube and I haven't seen this once.

K4sum1 commented 2 days ago

Oh, can you test stock Firefox 128? It still works on 8.1 if you subsystem mod it.

iahung commented 1 day ago

I don't want to use stock Firefox. Btw, I can't reproduce it on r3dfox anymore. It triggered just once and not yet triggered again.

K4sum1 commented 21 hours ago

Hmm, probably just YouTube being funny then if it's a one time thing. The suggestion was to see if it could be replicated in stock Firefox to see if it was upstream or r3dfox issue.