Eclipse-Community / r3dfox

r3dfox is a modern Firefox based web browser for Windows 7. SourceForge link for downloading with older browsers.
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Performance los #22

Closed vadimlitvinenko87 closed 4 days ago

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Tested on Windows 7 x64, RAM: 16GB DDR3, CPU: Intel i5-3570 4Ghz, GPU: Radeon RX 570 4GB,

r3dfox-122.0.1.en-US.win64 (v122.0.1-2) J - 102.000 M - 793 S - 153

r3dfox-123.0.2.en-US.win64 (Aero v123.0.2-2) J - 95.500 M - 444 S - 152

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Motion Mark tested much lower perf. JetStream bit lower. Not good tendention.

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Can you see if this has the same performance regression?

I followed their performance changes for my browser and enabled cross thinLTO. I'll also publish a build with normal LTO and see what happens.

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Made a new build

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

r3dfox-123.0.2.en-US.win64.installer.exe 58 MB created 27 minutes ago old J - 95.500 new J - 104.850 much better then v122.0.1 old M - 444 new M - 449 looks equal to old old S - 152 new S - 154 looks equal to old JetStream 2.pdf

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Closing since this should be done

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Motion mark performance los not patched, but jetstream good score, looks like need solve problem with motion mark too to close issue.

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

I am not pushing just want to help.

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Oh you said looks equal to old which I assumed meant 122 and didn't check. Not sure what would've caused this. Can you check Mercury on 10 to see if it's any different.

Also check about:support on both and tell me what is compositing pls.

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Mercury release on Win10? Or redfox 123?

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Mercury release on Win10? Or redfox 123?

Yeah both Mercury 122 and 123 on 10. Also try r3dfox 122 and 123 on 10 too since that may show something too.

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Ok, will check

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

r3dfox 122 W10.pdf r3dfox 123 W10.pdf

Redfox v122 W10 - JetStream 101.689.pdf Redfox v122 W10 - MotionMark 806 points.pdf Redfox v123 W10 - JetStream 105.541 points.pdf Redfox v123 W10 - MotionMark 754 points.pdf

Merc 123 AVX W10.pdf Merc 123 SSE4 W10.pdf

Merc v123 AVX W10 - JetStream 104.246 points.pdf Merc v123 AVX W10 - MotionMark 711 points.pdf Merc v123 SSE4 W10 - JetStream 106.428 points.pdf Merc v123 SSE4 W10 - MotionMark 710 points.pdf

r3dfox 122 W7.pdf r3dfox 123 W7.pdf

Redfox v122 W7 - MotionMark 786 points.pdf Redfox v123 W7 - MotionMark 445 points.pdf

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Redfox v123v3 W7 - JetStream 105.500.pdf Redfox v123v3 W7 - MotionMark 449.pdf r3dfox 123v3 W7.pdf.pdf MotionMark on last version not better. Once i had v122 lose performance before reboot, but after some boots and reinstalling 122-123 nothing changed as was, anyway v122 faster +78% in MotionMark.

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Windows7 x64 browsers in tests аfter issue closed. SCRN-20240313151531

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

Pushed a new build, let me know if it's improved.

vadimlitvinenko87 commented 3 months ago

Beta v123.0.2-3 x64 WebRender fix W7 - MotionMark 749 points.pdf Beta v123.0.2-3 x64 WebRender fix W7 -JetStream 105.000.pdf Performance in motion mark much better, looks like problem solved. Thanks for work. P.s. Speedometer3.0 (third test) updated on and Beta.v123.0.2-3.x64.WebRender.fix shows 9.5 points now (for example CentBrowser v118 made same 9 points)

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

Maybe somewhat related, but I was testing on HD 4600 and 123 seems to drop MotionMark score a substantial amount with hardware acceleration.

J4CKED commented 2 months ago

When I found out that there is a new version of Firefox for windows 7, I was happy. R3dfox is fast to open and responsive, but I noticed that the scrolling of long pages is not as smooth as in Firefox 113.0.2 (64-bit) and it is noticeable.

I also did a test of another version

and it is the same. Well, and now I'm saddened, because it follows that it can't be fixed. That it is simply the fault of changes to Firefox itself.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

Maybe could be tweaked with about:config. Can I see a video of what it looks like?

J4CKED commented 2 months ago

I recorded the video, but as I see youtube will probably not display it in 60 fps. Firefox from 0 to 13 seconds, and then r3dfox.

Anyway, when scrolling through pages where there are a lot of elements (gif images) the page does not scroll as smoothly as in the old firefox. This is especially annoying when reading text and scrolling slowly.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

I can't really see it. Can you check stock 115 and see how it is? Also try older r3dfox versions too.

J4CKED commented 2 months ago

Version 115.10.0esr (64-bit) is very smooth. I downloaded it from because I prefer portable versions. Old versions of r3dfox is not smooth.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

So even earliest 121 has the same problem?

J4CKED commented 2 months ago

I tested this version. I don't see an earlier one.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

Just made a new release with a bunch of test builds, see if it still happens as far down as 117.

J4CKED commented 2 months ago

Appreciate strongly. I first downloaded and installed firefox version-117.0.2

At first when I scrolled the test page it was visible lag. But after a while it disappeared and the page started scrolling very smoothly. I was very surprised.

After a while I opened the latest version (already configured for myself) r3dfox-125.0.2 and here also the page scrolled smoothly.

In addition, I don't know what happened, but in this version 125.0.2 the minimize, maximize and close buttons disappeared, although they were still normally visible in the morning. To fix this, I had to change the windows style to a different one. However, in Firefox 115.10.0 the buttons are visible in any windows style.

At this point r3dfox is running smoothly. If there are any changes I will let you know.

K4sum1 commented 4 days ago

Fixed itself, idk weird. I assume fine now idk.