EcoClimLab / ForestGEO-tree-rings

Repository for analysis of tree-ring data from 10 globally distributed forests (Anderson-Teixeira et al., in press, Global Change Biology)
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finish data availability statement #146

Closed teixeirak closed 2 years ago

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

The data availability statement needs to be finalized. It currently reads:

Data availability

Code and full results are available via the open-access project repository in GitHub ( and archived in Zenodo (DOI: TBD). Original data from each site are available through various public databases, as indicated in the original publications, or upon reasonable request from the authors. Data for [# TBD] of the sites are archived in the The DendroEcological Network (DEN) database (SCBI, [others TBD], Rayback et al., 2020) and/or the International Tree-Ring Data Bank, ITRDB (CB).


RHelcoski commented 3 years ago

I think the ideal statement would be if we said exactly which sets are in DEN. We would potentially get 9 on DEN. I just need help on HKK NE and ZOF. Then I will email DEN again and get an estimate of when they think they can have the data live so the final statement can be: (names of data sets) all available on DEN starting (date). Or something similar

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

It's not critical to get all the sites in DEN, so I wouldn't worry about getting more in at this point, unless they're already in process/ close to being ready. And then we can just change the wording to "Data for [# TBD] of the sites are archived, or soon-to-be archived, in The DendroEcological Network (DEN) database..."

RHelcoski commented 3 years ago

alright, that works. Most are in DEN's hands at the moment or just waiting on a response from a PI or two

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

updated link:

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

@RHelcoski , please confirm that this data availability statement is (or will be, within a couple weeks and definitely by the time paper is published) accurate:

Code and full results are available via the open-access project repository in GitHub ( and archived in Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5484261). Original data from each site are available through various public databases, as indicated in the original publications, or upon reasonable request from the authors. Data for seven of the sites (BCNM, SCBI, LDW, HF, NIO, LT, SC) have been submitted to The DendroEcological Network (DEN) database (Rayback et al., 2020).

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

(This is the last piece needed to send the manuscript files back to the journal.)

RHelcoski commented 3 years ago

Is BCNM Barro Colorado Island? I have it down as BCI. I haven't submitted LT or NOI to DEN yet (just missing one doc from each). But I imagine by the time the publication is out all of the sets will be sent to DEN.

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

Is BCNM Barro Colorado Island? I have it down as BCI.

Yes, it's BCNM. Most of the cores were not actually taken on the island.

I agree it's safe to trust that we'll get the documents submitted by the time it's published.