EcoClimLab / vertical-thermal-review

Manuscript and new analysis files for Vinod et al., 2022, New Phytologist
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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incorporating ty's figure #18

Closed NidhiVinod closed 4 years ago

NidhiVinod commented 4 years ago

Ty’s thoughts

Figure light fraction: Example of microenvironment varying independently of mean environment across height in BCI. Lidar-derived light fraction is calculated for each voxel. The mean light fraction decreases with depth in the canopy (c), but the spatial variation in light fraction at a given height increases (a). Temporal variation can be expected to be similar to the fine scale spatial variation. As the sun traverses the sky, the beamline intersects a dynamically variable distribution of obstacles, resulting in temporally variable illumination of a given point (e.g., leaf) within the canopy. We could produce a figure like this from NEON data, and could even potentially simulate the sun path to calculate the temporal variability of illumination across depth.

NidhiVinod commented 4 years ago

Elsa's thoughts-- I’ve been thinking along similar lines to what Ty suggested. See below for a figure I created for a recently submitted proposal. We could build off those NEON sites or others for the simulations Ty suggested.
