EcoClimLab / vertical-thermal-review

Manuscript and new analysis files for Vinod et al., 2022, New Phytologist
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Define big-picture take-aways, potentially adjust organization #41

Closed teixeirak closed 3 years ago

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

Here's what I currently see as the big-picture take-aways, with potential rearrangement:

describing the gradients


leaf temperature

leaf traits

leaf metabolism

size-structuring of whole-tree and ecosystem functioning


global change implications

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

This potential rearrangement switches the order of current sections 2-3, and places greater relative influence on some of the implications, which we discussed at the end of the call. It would be good to hear what others think: @NidhiVinod @SlotMartijn @mcgregorian1 , @eoway , @m-n-smith , @tyeentaylor , (and Lawren's not in this repo...just sent invite)

tyeentaylor commented 3 years ago

What if you change the name of "Leaf Hydraulics and Temperature" to "Leaf Temperature", and focus there on the drivers of leaf temperature that are not temperature-regulating adaptations. These would include the biophysical drivers mentioned in the previous section, and other "incidentals" such as hydraulics (including tree-height constraints on maximum transpiration rates) and leaf toughness (as an adaptation to withstand hydraulic strain and UV exposure etc., which incidentally affects the leaf thermal time constant). So it's kind of like this section describes the vertical variation in leaf temperature that would be expected if there were no thermoregulatory adaptations of leaf traits. Then the next section says "leaves deviate from these expected leaf temperatures through thermoregulatory adaptations". You can then also describe how those adaptations are coordinated with other limitations like hydraulic path length with height.

The bullet point under Leaf metabolism suggests that there are no consequences to these vertical gradients, which seems to undermine the impact of the paper. But the writing in the draft indicates that the vertical gradient in temperature responses is basically insufficiently explored to say much. If it's insufficiently explored, then it may be best to fill this section with theory and observations from other contexts (such as elevation and latitudinal gradients) that do demonstrate metabolic adaptations to temperature across thermal gradients, and the consequences of temperature change (e.g., Duque PNAS on thermophilization of Andean tree communities via disproportionate death of less warm-adapted species).

For implications, a similar logic could be followed, i.e. warming will disproportionately affect the less warm-adapted functional types within the forest canopy, essentially creating holes in the canopy that will take a long time to refill (especially in slow-growing tropical sub-canopy specialists), as is observed with Andean thermophilization (death is faster than recruitment and growth). Differential mortality within the canopy structure will alter the profile of metabolism and hence emergent forest function. Such alteration to canopy structure may be detectable by lidar and thermal remote sensing. If we know how metabolism maps to the thermal profile, then the observed forest structural changes can inform prediction of forest function.

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @tyeentaylor ! A few responses inline:

What if you change the name of "Leaf Hydraulics and Temperature" to "Leaf Temperature", and focus there on the drivers of leaf temperature that are not temperature-regulating adaptations. These would include the biophysical drivers mentioned in the previous section, and other "incidentals" such as hydraulics (including tree-height constraints on maximum transpiration rates) and leaf toughness (as an adaptation to withstand hydraulic strain and UV exposure etc., which incidentally affects the leaf thermal time constant). So it's kind of like this section describes the vertical variation in leaf temperature that would be expected if there were no thermoregulatory adaptations of leaf traits. Then the next section says "leaves deviate from these expected leaf temperatures through thermoregulatory adaptations". You can then also describe how those adaptations are coordinated with other limitations like hydraulic path length with height.

Yes, I reached the same conclusion re section header and changed it in the draft already (and now above). I think I'd prefer to keep all the traits in the following section, though, as I think it's hard to separate thermoregulatory adaptations from others. What we've done in the draft is to describe the biophysics of how environment, transpiration, and leaf size affect leaf T, and then observed gradients.

The bullet point under Leaf metabolism suggests that there are no consequences to these vertical gradients, which seems to undermine the impact of the paper. But the writing in the draft indicates that the vertical gradient in temperature responses is basically insufficiently explored to say much. If it's insufficiently explored, then it may be best to fill this section with theory and observations from other contexts (such as elevation and latitudinal gradients) that do demonstrate metabolic adaptations to temperature across thermal gradients, and the consequences of temperature change (e.g., Duque PNAS on thermophilization of Andean tree communities via disproportionate death of less warm-adapted species).

Good point. I've noted this in the draft.

For implications, a similar logic could be followed, i.e. warming will disproportionately affect the less warm-adapted functional types within the forest canopy, essentially creating holes in the canopy that will take a long time to refill (especially in slow-growing tropical sub-canopy specialists), as is observed with Andean thermophilization (death is faster than recruitment and growth). Differential mortality within the canopy structure will alter the profile of metabolism and hence emergent forest function. Such alteration to canopy structure may be detectable by lidar and thermal remote sensing. If we know how metabolism maps to the thermal profile, then the observed forest structural changes can inform prediction of forest function.

Noted in the draft (which still remains poorly developed in terms of implications).

NidhiVinod commented 3 years ago

@teixeirak, should the big picture take-away for this section remain the same?

leaf temperature

From our chat, here is what we were thinking:

Tleaf section:

-Tleaf generally tracks Tair, with some modification according to the energy balance principles.

In situ section:

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

I think this Tleaf content looks good, but it will be best to go over this in person (#48 ).

teixeirak commented 3 years ago

I think we can close this.