EcoClimLab / vertical-thermal-review

Manuscript and new analysis files for Vinod et al., 2022, New Phytologist
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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removed content that we may want to reinstate #74

Closed teixeirak closed 2 years ago

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

Variation in resistance and resilience among forests may drive different trajectories in the face of global climate change. For example, canopy trees of African rainforests appear to be more resilient to warming and drought than other tropical forests [@bennettResistanceAfricanTropical2021]. Species with smaller leaves and larger $g_s$ will be less vulnerable to temperature increase than species with larger leaves [@fauset_differences_2018; @songTreeSurfaceTemperature2020] and isoprene emitting species will have a selective advantage in a warming world [@taylorCapacityEmitIsoprene2019].