EcoClimLab / vertical-thermal-review

Manuscript and new analysis files for Vinod et al., 2022, New Phytologist
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Leaf traits section comments #85

Closed NidhiVinod closed 2 years ago

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago


@TomBuckleyLab, wondering what your thoughts are on this, and if you would be able to help with this section? and @eoway maybe you might know more about DGCMs?

Here is the google drive: Here is the R markdown file:

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

image to Further, the range in trait values can be several times greater in multi-species canopy than in understory species, based on their inherent species-specific traits and responses to environmental conditions.

@teixeirak, wondering if this sentence is needed? or would be okay to remove it?

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

image image

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

Reviewer 2 image

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago


NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago


teixeirak commented 2 years ago

@NidhiVinod , most of these seem pretty specific, so I'd suggest you work through them as best you can, and consult Lawren as needed.

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

Reviewer 2 image

It does seem that it could help to give a little more commentary on what we know about light vs height, starting with the basis of sun vs shade leaves.

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

@teixeirak, this comment is to include citations in table 2 right? Would it be okay to include more citations, considering the number of citations we are allowed for New Phyt, or maybe the count for tables doesn't matter as much? image

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

@teixeirak, this comment is to include citations in table 2 right? Would it be okay to include more citations, considering the number of citations we are allowed for New Phyt, or maybe the count for tables doesn't matter as much? image

I wonder if the reviewer meant Appendix S3. That would make more sense.

Regarding references, I'd just include what you need to and not worry about the limit.

eoway commented 2 years ago


@TomBuckleyLab, wondering what your thoughts are on this, and if you would be able to help with this section? and @eoway maybe you might know more about DGCMs?

Here is the google drive: Here is the R markdown file:

Another paper that describes sun/shade/vertical variation in traits is Martin et al 2018:

I can mention the vertical trait variation relevance in the modeling section, although I think we'll want to keep the statement fairly general since models vary quite a bit in how they do or don't incorporate vertical variation.

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

image to Further, the range in trait values can be several times greater in multi-species canopy than in understory species, based on their inherent species-specific traits and responses to environmental conditions.

@teixeirak, wondering if this sentence is needed? or would be okay to remove it?

Ha-- I don't understand it either! (Maybe I did did at one point... maybe I wrote it!) Let's remove.

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

image to Further, the range in trait values can be several times greater in multi-species canopy than in understory species, based on their inherent species-specific traits and responses to environmental conditions. @teixeirak, wondering if this sentence is needed? or would be okay to remove it?

Ha-- I don't understand it either! (Maybe I did did at one point... maybe I wrote it!) Let's remove.

@teixeirak, thank you, okay removed this sentence

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

Reviewer 2 image

It does seem that it could help to give a little more commentary on what we know about light vs height, starting with the basis of sun vs shade leaves.

@teixeirak I wonder where would be good to add the commentary on light vs. height? I attempted to address the comment below in the conductance section:
image Further, tree height also plays a role in determining the gradient of $gs$ vertically, which has implications for $T{leaf}$. With an increase in tree height, water travels a longer distance to meet the evaporative demands in sunlit canopy leaves. Longer water path length, higher irradiance and VPD imposes hydraulic constraints in sunlit canopy leaves [@schaferEffectTreeHeight2000; @ambroseEffectsHeightTreetop2010]. Therefore, although typically $g_s$ increases with light, upper canopy leaves of taller trees have lower $gs$ and leaf water potential to enable high leaf water-use efficiency [@kenzoHeightrelatedChangesLeaf2015; @rijkersEffectTreeHeight2000a]. This, added to the tendency for sun leaves to have higher $T{leaf}$, implies that high $T_{air}$ should decrease $g_s$ of canopy leaves more than understory leaves, particularly when water availability is limited.

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

@teixeirak, this comment is to include citations in table 2 right? Would it be okay to include more citations, considering the number of citations we are allowed for New Phyt, or maybe the count for tables doesn't matter as much? image

I wonder if the reviewer meant Appendix S3. That would make more sense.

Regarding references, I'd just include what you need to and not worry about the limit.

@teixeirak, do you think in S3, I need to include vertical or vertical-gradient. Would that change the methodology? and the citations mentioned by R1, these to be included into the tables right?

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think you should at least include those references. They're suggesting that you should have included "vertical" or "vertical gradient" as search terms. That might identify a few more references, and you're welcome to try that search if you have time, but I think it would also work to just respond with: "Thank you. We have included the references given."

NidhiVinod commented 2 years ago

@teixeirak, I think this can be closed too?

teixeirak commented 2 years ago

I'll trust you on that. There's a lot here, and if we've missed anything we'll catch it when we review the response to reviewers.