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Potential issue in the RWU calculations and a proposed enhancement #231

Closed MostafaGomaa93 closed 2 weeks ago

MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

Calculations of the root water uptake (RWU) in the ebal function (line 545) are based on the difference between the soil water potential PSIs and the leave water potential PSI. The PSIs (calculated in line 177) is from the calc_rsoil. Going inside the calc_rsoil function here, the PSIs equation seems a bit strange to me.

Yunfei-Wang1993 commented 1 month ago

Hi, Mostafa, the calculation of soil water potential is based on Bayat's work published in RSE. The multiplication by 100 is a unit conversion from 'cm' to 'm'. The unit is 'cm' in STEMMUS and it usually uses 'm' in the SPAC equation. The Soilvariable.hh means the water potential at the soil nodes rather than the average soil water potential of each soil layer. So, I recalculate the soil water potential of each soil layer.

MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Yunfei-Wang1993

Okay, I indeed suspect that the 100 is a unit conversion from cm to m but why is that? what is the SPAC equation?

I noticed you later had to convert it back to "cm" in the equation Srt1 = RWU * 100 ./ ModelSettings.DeltZ' here.

But I still have some more questions:

I am asking because when we add the groundwater coupling, for the saturated soil layers, the Soilvariable.hh converts to a +ve value, but I am not sure if the PSIs will have +ve values for saturated layers. Moreover, the Soilvariable.hh in my opinion is more accurate than the PSIs because the Soilvariable.hh is calculated from the main equations of the code (i.e. Milly equation)

MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 weeks ago

I discussed with @yijianzeng and @Yunfei-Wang1993 and made changes in the PSIs to correct the matric potential calculations if groundwater coupling is activated. The changes are implemented in the SSM_v.0.3.2 branch here