Integrated code of SCOPE and STEMMUS
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Values of soil temperature when groundwater coupling #242

Open SarahAlidoost opened 2 months ago

SarahAlidoost commented 2 months ago
          I'm afraid this did not fully fix the issue... While there is no negative spike anymore, a growing positive spike does form over time:


_Originally posted by @BSchilperoort in

SarahAlidoost commented 2 months ago

:red_circle: This issue should be fixed before releasing stemmus_scope, see details in

SarahAlidoost commented 2 months ago

@BSchilperoort I found the reason for the artifact in your plot, the value of groundwater_head_bottom_layer is set to 1750, as model.set_value("groundwater_head_bottom_layer", np.array([2000-250.])) # 250 cm under ground surface, in your notebook see cell 5 in the notebook. if it is changed to default values in stemmus_scope i.e. 1950.0, the issue is gone soil_temp_plot

@MostafaGomaa93 is there any condition for the values of groundwater_head_bottom_layer?

SarahAlidoost commented 2 months ago

I also noticed the implementation of SoilVariable.TT and TT is not ideal in STEMMUS_SCOEP.m. However, this is a separate issue. It would be better if TT is replaced by SoilVariable.TT everywhere in the script, the same for these variables.

BSchilperoort commented 2 months ago

if it is changed to default values in stemmus_scope i.e. 1950.0, the issue is gone

The issue is still there, it occurs at the groundwater depth. See: image

If the groundwater level was set to 4 m under the surface, the issue would occur there.

SarahAlidoost commented 2 months ago

These are the values of the test that creates the plots:

Location=ZA-Kru StartTime=2001-01-01T00:00 EndTime=2001-01-01T10:30

model.set_value("groundwater_coupling_enabled", np.array([True]))
model.set_value("groundwater_elevation_top_aquifer", np.array([2000.]))
model.set_value("groundwater_head_bottom_layer", np.array([1950.]))  # 50 cm under ground surface
model.set_value("groundwater_temperature", np.array([23.])) # optional. 
MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago

@SarahAlidoost @yijianzeng

After our meeting today, I test again by replacing the tempBotm in this line by tempBotm = SoilVariables.TT(indxBotm) which is = 22.96 for the ZA-Kru and the problem is still there.

yijianzeng commented 2 months ago
          I'm afraid this did not fully fix the issue... While there is no negative spike anymore, a growing positive spike does form over time:

This depends on the temperature value you set for groundwater temperature. See my other comments here.

MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago
          I'm afraid this did not fully fix the issue... While there is no negative spike anymore, a growing positive spike does form over time:

This depends on the temperature value you set for groundwater temperature. See my other comments here.

Yes, I mean your suggestion by fixing the groundwater temperature = soil temperature wherever GW reaches a certain depth of the soil column. didn't solve the problem yet. So, it looks like there is a bug indeed

MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago

Please have a look at these two sheets at the column with first value = 230 (depth = 230), the depth above the groundwater table (groundwater depth = 250). In both cases, you will find the values at that column are lower than the two columns before and after that column (columns 220 and 245) which case these strange peaks in @BSchilperoort figures

case 1: setting bottom boundary = groundwater temperature = 23 Sim_Temp_gwtemp=23.csv

case 2: setting bottom temperature boundary = soil temperature, which is = 22.96 Sim_Temp_gwtemp=soiltemp.csv

yijianzeng commented 2 months ago


@MostafaGomaa93 is there any condition for the values of groundwater_head_bottom_layer?

From this plot, it seems to me at 50cm the groundwater temperature of 23 degree is used to replace soil temperature profile below 50cm?

yijianzeng commented 2 months ago

I also noticed the implementation of SoilVariable.TT and TT is not ideal in STEMMUS_SCOEP.m. However, this is a separate issue. It would be better if TT is replaced by SoilVariable.TT everywhere in the script, the same for these variables.

'TT' is the soil temperature updated after the current time step running. And i agree with you that this should be standardized.

yijianzeng commented 2 months ago

The issue is still there, it occurs at the groundwater depth. See:

I would say this is not the issue, but the artifact induced by manually setting the groundwater temperature.

MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago

I would say this is not the issue, but the artifact induced by manually setting the groundwater temperature.

The issue also occurs if we set groundwater temperature = soil temperature of bottom layer and the issue is there at any location of the groundwater table. see another example with a groundwater table is 3.5 m below the surface


yijianzeng commented 2 months ago

@SarahAlidoost @yijianzeng

After our meeting today, I test again by replacing the tempBotm in this line by tempBotm = SoilVariables.TT(indxBotm) which is = 22.96 for the ZA-Kru and the problem is still there.

Hi Mostafa, please try the following:

yijianzeng commented 2 months ago

I would say this is not the issue, but the artifact induced by manually setting the groundwater temperature.

The issue also occurs if we set groundwater temperature = soil temperature of bottom layer and the issue is there at any location of the groundwater table. see another example with a groundwater table is 3.5 m below the surface

Another point i want to mention is that, in STEMMUS-SCOPE, the moisture and heat flow are coupled. So when coupled with groundwater flow, the moisture content of the bottom soil layer will increase, which will impact soil temperature simulation as well, see below: image

Zhao, H., Zeng, Y., Lv, S., and Su, Z.: Analysis of soil hydraulic and thermal properties for land surface modeling over the Tibetan Plateau, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1031–1061,, 2018.

MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago

I think the problem is relaxed with the time. Have a look at this figure of 8-days simulation Location=ZA-Kru StartTime=2001-01-01T00:00 EndTime=2001-01-08T00:00 tempBotm = SoilVariables.TT(indxBotm)

This solution is without the modification in this line (once agreed, we can delete it). Also, same results if we set GroundwaterSettings.tempBotm = 23


MostafaGomaa93 commented 2 months ago

another test with changing the groundwater depth over time (~1m drop per 8 days)

sm st_change_gwl

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

The current coupling implementation has several issues related to coding and setting physical parameters. Here is a summary:

Coding issues: 1-(major) introducing indxBotm to the modules +energy, +soilmoisture and +dryair is not needed at most parts and causes bugs for example in this line index of P_gg is still 2. Other examples of such bugs are in SV.T(2), C2(1, 2).

2- setting the values of RHS in modules +energy here, +soilmoisture here are not correct. Model should calculate those values.

3- (major)The soil temperature SoilVariables.TT should be set in update loop here. But, due to current codes, the variable TT should be set too.

4- (minor issue) RHS should be defined in module +energy as RHS = InitialValues.RHS; in assembleCoefficientMatrices.m

Setting physical parameters:

1- (major)The coupling only sets soil temperature SoilVariables.TT. But, it seems that SoilVariables.T and T are also related and should be set accordingly.

2- in coupling BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1;, which is only valid for the sites with landcover 'Croplands'. But, for example ZA-Kru is not a 'Croplands'.

3- Values of RHS(1) in +soilmoisture is calculated as headBotmLayer - topLevel + soilThick(indxBotmLayer_R). First of all the units don't match. Second, this equation might return zero.

4- (major)The condition in energy/solveEnergyBalanceEquations.m should be checked because it is using ForcingData.Tmin. This might not be valid in the case of coupling.

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 here are the codes that we discussed at our meeting.

Codes for plotting the soil temperature values: ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import xarray as xr # Read the CSV file csv_path = "/path_to/output/ZA-Kru_2023-09-06-1228/Sim_Temp.csv" # Read the CSV file df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, header=None) # Get the first row as depths depths = df.iloc[0].values.astype(float) * -1 # Get the rest of the data as soil_temperature soil_temperature = df.iloc[3:].values.astype(float) # Create a time index time = np.arange(1, len(df)-2) # Create the xarray DataArray da_t = xr.DataArray( data=soil_temperature, dims=("time", "depth"), coords={"time": time, "depth": depths}, ) da_t.isel(time=0).plot(y="depth") da_t.isel(time=1).plot(y="depth") da_t.isel(time=2).plot(y="depth") ```
Codes for setting values through BMI: The notebook is available in pull request ```python # as an example, every time step i, the value of groundwater_head_bottom_layer is set to [1950.-i*4]) model.set_value("groundwater_head_bottom_layer", np.array([1950.-i*4])) ```
Git commands for working with BMI implementation: Based on the [pystemmusscope documentation.]( ```bash git clone cd STEMMUS_SCOPE_Processing git checkout bmi-groundwater-coupling # switch to BMI branch git checkout -b name_of_your_branch # create your own branch pip install -e .[dev] # install pystemmusscope in development mode pip install jupyterlab jupyter lab # start jupyter lab ```
MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot @SarahAlidoost for the comments. here are my replies

The current coupling implementation has several issues related to coding and setting physical parameters. Here is a summary:

Coding issues: 1-(major) introducing indxBotm to the modules +energy, +soilmoisture and +dryair is not needed at most parts and causes bugs for example in this line index of P_gg is still 2. Other examples of such bugs are in SV.T(2), C2(1, 2).

Yes, those 3 are my mistakes, I have corrected them in the new pull request. However, the changes doesn't change the soil temperature results because the three changes are in the condition when ModelSettings.Soilairefc = 1, and by default its = 0 (here) (the if condition related to the 3 mistakes are here, here and here).

2- setting the values of RHS in modules +energy here, +soilmoisture here are not correct. Model should calculate those values.

The model indeed should calculate the RHS for all layers. However, when we set the location of the groundwater table as the bottom boundary of the soil, then all layers below the groundwater table are saturated layers (full with water), so there is no soil anymore and STEMMUS is not adapted to calculate the variables below the groundwater table, and thats why we will couple STEMMUS_SCOPE to MODFLOW. So, the RHS of the saturated layers in the soilmoisture, energy, and dryair modules must be set manually to certain values (as we did already).

3- (major)The soil temperature SoilVariables.TT should be set in update loop here. But, due to current codes, the variable TT should be set too.

Okay, I add them here

4- (minor issue) RHS should be defined in module +energy as RHS = InitialValues.RHS; in assembleCoefficientMatrices.m

Okay, I have add this in this line. However, it doesn't change the soil temperature results

Setting physical parameters:

1- (major)The coupling only sets soil temperature SoilVariables.TT. But, it seems that SoilVariables.T and T are also related and should be set accordingly.

I add the SoilVariables.T and T here. Is that what we need only or we need further edits?

2- in coupling BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1;, which is only valid for the sites with landcover 'Croplands'. But, for example ZA-Kru is not a 'Croplands'.

The BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1 means that the bottom boundary is a head boundary and it is not related to the landcover type. In principle, if we know the head at the bottom of the soil (which is the case when we use MODFLOW), then we use BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1. I think Yijian may help to answer why for the case of 'Croplands', BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1

3- Values of RHS(1) in +soilmoisture is calculated as headBotmLayer - topLevel + soilThick(indxBotmLayer_R). First of all the units don't match. Second, this equation might return zero.

If the BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1, then the RHS is a head and has units of cm. If the BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 2, then the RHS is a flux and has units of cm/sec. In the case of groundwater coupling, BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1 and RHS is a head and has units of cm and the headBotmLayer, topLevel, soilThick(indxBotmLayer_R) are all in cm. and the value of RHS(indexbotm) is indeed close to zero

4- (major)The condition in energy/solveEnergyBalanceEquations.m should be checked because it is using ForcingData.Tmin. This might not be valid in the case of coupling.

I removed this condition while testing but found that no difference in the results. Maybe Yijian could clarify what is the purpose of this condition

MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 here are the codes that we discussed at our meeting.

Codes for plotting the soil temperature values:

Thanks so much for the codes. I have used the plotting code to observe the spikes in the figures below. However, the lines in my figures are sharp and not that smooth as in @BSchilperoort figures (don't know why)

In principle, I think as we increase the model run time, spikes will be minor and/or totally disappear and the problem is relaxed

MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

For all the figures -> groundwater temperature = NaN, so groundwater temperature = soil temperature. Spikes for timestep = 1 or = 20 are marked with grey circle. Spikes for timestep = 60 or = 300 are marked with black circle

groundwater depth = 50 cm, (average condition) is not used groundwater depth = 150 cm, average condition is not used
check_spikes_gwd=50_gwtemp=soiltemp check_spikes_gwd=150_gwtemp=soiltemp
groundwater depth = 150 cm, average condition is used groundwater depth = 250 cm, average condition is not used
check_spikes_gwd=150_gwtemp=soiltemp_with_avg_cond check_spikes_gwd=250_gwtemp=soiltemp
MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

Another two examples at groundwater depth = 250 and (average condition) is not used

groundwater temperature = 23 groundwater temperature = 17
check_spikes_gwd=250_gwtemp=23 check_spikes_gwd=250_gwtemp=17
SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 here are the codes that we discussed at our meeting. Codes for plotting the soil temperature values:

Thanks so much for the codes. I have used the plotting code to observe the spikes in the figures below. However, the lines in my figures are sharp and not that smooth as in @BSchilperoort figures (don't know why)

The code that I provided plots the entire depth profile (0, 5 m). In your plots here, the y axis is between (-20, 2.5 cm). Please make sure that you can create the exact same plots. So we are looking at the same things. You can also generate an exe file and run the BMI notebook to make sure that plots are the same.

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 the plots below are created using your changed code in #245, for two sites: ZA-Kru "Savannas" and DE-Geb "cropland". The plots show soil temperature and soil moisture in case no coupling and coupling with different temperatures and depths. The issues are indicated in each plot. it seems that results are better for DE-Geb "cropland" than ZA-Kru "Savannas". But the results are the same for DE-Geb with different temperatures 23 and 17, e.g. see Fig 3. It would be good to check the code for one more site with "cropland".

The issue of the first time step can be fixed by setting TT in the update section, see here.

As mentioned before, in stemmusscope (without coupling), BoundaryCondition.NBChB is set to 1 for sites with "cropland" whereas 3 for other sites. However, in groundwater coupling, BoundaryCondition.NBChB is set to 1 for all sites. @yijianzeng Is this a valid assumption? see definition here.

Fig 1: ZA-Kru "Savannas" Slide9

Fig 2: DE-Geb "cropland" Slide10 Fig 3: DE-Geb "cropland" Slide11

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 Another physical condition that should be set correctly is elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth in calculateGroundWaterDepth. If headBotmLayer=1495.0, this elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth will be True and indxBotmLayer will be undefined in calculateIndexBottomLayer. This causes the model run to fail. There should be a condition to check whether the values of headBotmLayer are in a valid range.

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 This is the output csv file for Fig 2 without setting groundwater_temperature:


MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

The code that I provided plots the entire depth profile (0, 5 m). In your plots here, the y axis is between (-20, 2.5 cm). Please make sure that you can create the exact same plots. So we are looking at the same things. You can also generate an exe file and run the BMI notebook to make sure that plots are the same.

Thanks for the observation. I have updated my figures. I think the provided code may need this slight change depths = df.iloc[0].index.astype(float) * -1 instead of depths = df.iloc[0].values.astype(float) * -1

After i have updated my figures, i think there are spikes in the first couple of time steps (time step = 1, and time step = 20, spikes are marked with grey circle). At longer timestep (timestep = 60, timestep = 300, spikes are marked with black circle), spikes are very minor or not there at all. So, the spikes problem relaxed with the time.

I also think that it is the same case with the figures that @SarahAlidoost posted

MostafaGomaa93 commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 Another physical condition that should be set correctly is elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth in calculateGroundWaterDepth. If headBotmLayer=1495.0, this elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth will be True and indxBotmLayer will be undefined in calculateIndexBottomLayer. This causes the model run to fail. There should be a condition to check whether the values of headBotmLayer are in a valid range.

Indeed, if headBotmLayer goes below Tot_Depth, then model will fail. The user should have a basic knowledge about the range of the groundwater depth of the site. If the groundwater depth is close to or larger than 5 m, then the Tot_Depth shoud be increased and be larger than 5 m. A solution is provided in this PR (hopefully we can check later after the soil temp issue)

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago
          I'm afraid this did not fully fix the issue... While there is no negative spike anymore, a growing positive spike does form over time:

This depends on the temperature value you set for groundwater temperature. See my other comments here.

Yes, I mean your suggestion by fixing the groundwater temperature = soil temperature wherever GW reaches a certain depth of the soil column. didn't solve the problem yet. So, it looks like there is a bug indeed

Mostafa, as i mentioned the soil moisture content will impact soil temperature simulations. This is about soil physics.

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago

Setting physical parameters: 1- (major)The coupling only sets soil temperature SoilVariables.TT. But, it seems that SoilVariables.T and T are also related and should be set accordingly.

I add the SoilVariables.T and T here. Is that what we need only or we need further edits?

'SoilVariables.T' means the soil temperature calculated from the last time step. 'TT' means soil temperature calculated at this time step.

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago

2- in coupling BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1;, which is only valid for the sites with landcover 'Croplands'. But, for example ZA-Kru is not a 'Croplands'.

The BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1 means that the bottom boundary is a head boundary and it is not related to the landcover type. In principle, if we know the head at the bottom of the soil (which is the case when we use MODFLOW), then we use BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1. I think Yijian may help to answer why for the case of 'Croplands', BoundaryCondition.NBChB = 1

I agree with Mostafa, that the bottom boundary condition is not related to landcover type.

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago

4- (major)The condition in energy/solveEnergyBalanceEquations.m should be checked because it is using ForcingData.Tmin. This might not be valid in the case of coupling.

I removed this condition while testing but found that no difference in the results. Maybe Yijian could clarify what is the purpose of this condition

I think Lianyu added this to allow the numerical model to converge better.

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago

As mentioned before, in stemmusscope (without coupling), BoundaryCondition.NBChB is set to 1 for sites with "cropland" whereas 3 for other sites. However, in groundwater coupling, BoundaryCondition.NBChB is set to 1 for all sites. @yijianzeng Is this a valid assumption? see definition here.

Most of time, we say the bottom boundary condition is free drainage. When it is coupled with groundwater model, we know the soil profile emerged in groundwater will be saturated, then we know the matric head will be '0'.

In short, yes, it is a valid assumption.

yijianzeng commented 1 month ago

@MostafaGomaa93 Another physical condition that should be set correctly is elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth in calculateGroundWaterDepth. If headBotmLayer=1495.0, this elseif groundWaterDepth > Tot_Depth will be True and indxBotmLayer will be undefined in calculateIndexBottomLayer. This causes the model run to fail. There should be a condition to check whether the values of headBotmLayer are in a valid range.

Indeed, if headBotmLayer goes below Tot_Depth, then model will fail. The user should have a basic knowledge about the range of the groundwater depth of the site. If the groundwater depth is close to or larger than 5 m, then the Tot_Depth shoud be increased and be larger than 5 m. A solution is provided in this PR (hopefully we can check later after the soil temp issue)

I would say, we shall provide a warning message saying something like 'Ground water table depth is larger than the total soil column thickness! Please enlarge the total depth of the soil column.'

SarahAlidoost commented 1 month ago

@BSchilperoort here are the results of the model for other sites, showing that there is an issue when the temperature is Nan and is set to soil temperature. This has been discussed with @MostafaGomaa93. The coupling results look okay for other sites except for some spikes in Fig 0-DE-Seh (croplands), no coupling which is not related to ground water coupling.

DE-Seh (croplands): Slide5

ES-LMa (Savannas): Slide7

AU-Stp (grassland): Slide9