EcoGIS / CAPS-Scenario-Builder

The CAPS Scenario Builder will allow government officials, conservation groups and others to submit "scenarios" for proposed changes to land cover and infrastructure so that these changes can be assessed for their impact on ecological integrity.
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Bug in culverts constraint #22

Closed ScottJackson closed 12 years ago

ScottJackson commented 12 years ago

I was able to violate the constraint that new culverts/bridges points must fall on a stream centerline by adding the point to a new road.

bobenglish commented 12 years ago

I was able to duplicate this behavior and I will fix it. I apparently introduced this bug when I added the ability to snap terrestrial crossing structures to new roads. I think it will be easy to fix.

bobenglish commented 12 years ago

I fixed this bug. Closing the issue.