EcohydrologyTeam / ClearWater-riverine

A 2D water quality transporter model to calculate conservative advection and diffusion of constituents from an unstructured grid of flows
MIT License
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Add warning for violating Courant Condition #35

Open sjordan29 opened 9 months ago

sjordan29 commented 9 months ago

The model produces poor results when the Courant Condition is violated. HEC-RAS can run at a fine timestep where the timestep where the condition is not violated (e.g., 1 second) but print to a coarser timestep where the condition would be violated (e.g., 5 minutes). We should investigate:

  1. If it can be read from the RAS HDF file (accurately to the output timestep, not the model timestep)
  2. If not, if it can be calculated from output that is printed to the RAS HDF file
  3. Or estimated in some other way

This issue can be resolved when there is a mechanism within Clearwater-Riverine to check if the Courant condition is violated, and throw a warning to the user if it is.