EcologyR / BlueCarbon

Estimation of organic carbon stocks and fluxes from soil/sediment cores from blue carbon ecosystems
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function estimate_compaction #36

Open NPJuncal opened 8 months ago

NPJuncal commented 8 months ago

Calculates percentage of core compression per cores. Accepts data.frame with core field measurements and returns a modified version of it, with the addition of a column with the % of compresion.

It works :)

task: -test documentation (it only make sense to Nerea now) -write tests

NPJuncal commented 5 months ago

Tests done

Task: Check documentation

NPJuncal commented 2 months ago

I think all is done in this one. It needs to be checked for someone that actually knows what they are doing. @Pakillo @Julenasti

Julenasti commented 1 month ago

Thanks Nerea!

Here the documentation with few improvements to make it clearer. Hope it helps!

#' Estimate Core Compaction
#' @description
#' Estimates the percentage of core compaction using measurements
#' from a data.frame containing core properties. It computes a correction factor
#' based on sampler tube length, internal distance, and external distance, and
#' adds a 'compression' column to the input data.frame with the calculated compaction
#' rate as a percentage.
#' @param df A data.frame containing core properties.
#' @param core_id Name of the column identifying each core.
#' @param sampler_length Name of the column with the total length of the sampler tube.
#' @param internal_distance Name of the column with the distance between sampler top and core surface.
#' @param external_distance Name of the column with the distance between sampler top and sediment surface.
#' @return
#' Returns the input data.frame with an additional 'compression' column indicating
#' the estimated percentage of core compaction.
#' @examples
#' @export
estimate_compaction <- function(df,
                                core_id = "core",
                                sampler_length = "sampler_length",
                                internal_distance = "internal_distance",
                                external_distance = "external_distance") {

  # Check input data type
  if (!inherits(df, "data.frame")) {
    stop("The data provided must be a tibble or data.frame")

  # Check existence of required columns
  check_column_in_df(df, core_id)
  check_column_in_df(df, sampler_length)
  check_column_in_df(df, internal_distance)
  check_column_in_df(df, external_distance)

  # Check data types of specified columns
  if (!is.numeric(df[[sampler_length]])) {
    stop("Column 'sampler_length' must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(df[[internal_distance]])) {
    stop("Column 'internal_distance' must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(df[[external_distance]])) {
    stop("Column 'external_distance' must be numeric.")

  # Check that internal distance is greater than or equal to external distance
  if (any(df[[internal_distance]] < df[[external_distance]])) {
    stop("Internal distance cannot be smaller than external distance")

  # Create working copies of columns
  df$core_r <- df[[core_id]]
  df$sampler_length_r <- df[[sampler_length]]
  df$internal_distance_r <- df[[internal_distance]]
  df$external_distance_r <- df[[external_distance]]

  # Calculate compaction correction factor
  compaction_correction_factor <-
    (df$sampler_length_r - df$internal_distance_r) /
    (df$sampler_length_r - df$external_distance_r)

  # Calculate compaction rate as percentage
  df$compression <- (1 - compaction_correction_factor) * 100
