Conservation Opportunity Areas will come as a single very long excel doc with multiple rows per COA
Example table below for one COA. Couple of notes:
Anything a number in the WordpressID column is meant to linked to an existing WP content item.
Species associations also have a 'status' associated with them (Modeled Habitat or Observed) and this needs to be a) expressed in the admin so that it can be edited over time and b) output with each species association on the template side
Many fields in column B ("Category") will have more than one row associated with it. For instance
"Local Conservation Actions and Plans". With CMB2, these need to be repeater fields (fieldsets) so that they can be edited/expanded/contracted within the admin by editors.
The COAID is separate from the WordPress post ID and needs to be maintained as it relates to external data.
Conservation Opportunity Areas will come as a single very long excel doc with multiple rows per COA
Example table below for one COA. Couple of notes:
column is meant to linked to an existing WP content item.Modeled Habitat
) and this needs to be a) expressed in the admin so that it can be edited over time and b) output with each species association on the template sideCOAID
is separate from the WordPress post ID and needs to be maintained as it relates to external data.TGTID
can be ignored. is currently installed and supports updating. There are hooks to transform imported data before it hits the DB (as well as a way to do test imports). Some CSV transformations are already in place here in the site plugin