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smart sliders #13

Closed sarahmagrish closed 6 years ago

sarahmagrish commented 6 years ago

Hi David,

Did you make settings for the text anywhere for the smart sliders or should I be creating them from scratch? Can't quite tell there. I can see how to create them but don't want to redo the styling if you already did it. also if we do decide to use sentinel and avenir how would i do that? would i need to add that to the CSS?

thx! Sarah

pollardld commented 6 years ago


Bad news, looks like smart sliders have there own font settings as well 😫. Which cool in most cases, but not ours.

Good news, it is super easy to customize and so we can use sentinel and avenir 😃 .

I added a test title to the home page slider and it is working. My steps were:

  1. Choose the slider you want to edit

  2. Hover over the thumbnail and select edit screen shot 2018-03-14 at 5 29 01 pmscreen shot 2018-03-14 at 5 28 53 pm

  3. Add a layer that contains text (e.g., header)

    screen shot 2018-03-14 at 5 29 45 pm
  4. Select the paint bucket tab from the modal that pops up

    screen shot 2018-03-14 at 5 30 43 pm
  5. In the family input add the font you want to use (i have the default set to "Sentinel A", "Sentinel B")

Note: the correct font will not show up while editing the slider, but once saved the font will be correct when viewing the webpage containing the slider

sarahmagrish commented 6 years ago

nice! can you show me how to change it to avenir to test that look out? also, where should I mess around with the type size? thank you.

pollardld commented 6 years ago

In the Family input add one of the following:

AvenirLTStd-Heavy AvenirLTStd-Book AvenirLTStd-MediumOblique AvenirLTStd-BookOblique AvenirLTStd-Medium AvenirLTStd-BlackOblique AvenirLTStd-Black AvenirLTStd-HeavyOblique

screen shot 2018-03-16 at 12 08 49 pm