Ecotrust / wc-data-registry

Data Registry for the West Coast Governors Alliance
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Need to display OpenDAP link types #113

Open tchaddad opened 10 years ago

tchaddad commented 10 years ago

Most commonly this would be from ISO records. Solution is similar to

Half the solution is in the GeoPortal configuration files, and the other half is in the custom Registry UI.

tchaddad commented 10 years ago

Here's a the GeoPortal side of the OpenDAP solution from @eggwhites (05/13/2014):


<property meaning="opendap.url" xpath="/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification/srv:containsOperations/srv:SV_OperationMetadata/srv:connectPoint/gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL[contains(.,'.ncml')]"/>

smrgeoinfo commented 9 years ago

OpenDAP url's may also show up in //gmd:distributionInformation//gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:online/gmd:CI_OnlineResource. It would be a good idea to point the index at that xpath as well

emiliom commented 9 years ago

Based on discussions in #117 and my browsing of some targeted ISO metadata on the WCODP, I'm assuming OPeNDAP link types are still not available (or exposed) on the WCODP. @tchaddad (or @fishytodd ), can you confirm this is the case? I want to be 100% sure of where we stand, given that Laura is wrapping up her work and her metadata records, and that according to Todd there will be a nice push around the time of the WCODN meeting to release a number of IOOS-related records. Thanks!

tchaddad commented 9 years ago

Yes the discussion in #117 covered many topics and the bottom line for this one is that there is no problem configuring detection of OPeNDAP in Geoportal (or any other link type). However we ran into a problem displaying the links in the custom UI, due to the fact that Geoportal is not including the custom link labels in its JSON responses. Doing so will apparently require the relevant Geoportal java class source to be recompiled.

My comments on #117 around August 19th cover the gory details, but I just wanted to emphasize here that the problem is not OPeNDAP-specific.

For Laura's purposes, she should certainly plan to include the various links that she wants to include in her records. Her URLs will be detected as the correct relevant type on the backend, because those configuration edits have already been made. On the front end UI, at the very least, they will get labeled with an 'OPEN' link currently, and the custom labels like 'OPeNDAP' will appear once we tackle the high-priority JSON feed fix.

emiliom commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the update and recap, Tanya. Sorry if I wasn't clearer that I do know the issue (or bottleneck) is no longer specific to OPeNDAP. I was coming at this from an OPeNDAP interest, to I guess ask the more general question that you have answered.