Open tchaddad opened 10 years ago
To be more precise, it looks to me like there's no harvesting of additional metadata attributes from Dublin Core currently going on. Assuming that harvesting is supposed to be configured just like the fgdc and iso harvesting, where the xpaths are defined here: site_raw/_includes/js/services/Metadata.js You'll note that all the "cd" keys are empty (I assume "cd" stand for "dublin core", and should really be "dc").
Thanks for that - no paths are the worst paths of all!
I've created a second issue related to the ArcServer-specific problems here:
This is affecting Dublin Core records harvested from the California Geoportal. Example of a record that demonstrates the problem:
"CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS":{EDAB87D3-2C73-472D-9714-BFB5D3574100}