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Forgot Password - URL Configuration Settings #184

Open stephenfuqua opened 4 months ago

stephenfuqua commented 4 months ago

Jira Description

Klein will need to provide the proper URL for the Forgot Password link when a user clicks on Forgot Password.  The API will generate a link the user will click on, but that link has a configuration setting Klein will need to determine.  Currently the link is set to "http://localhost:80" which is the users computer.  Klein will need to make the IIS website available on their intranet and create a binding hostname for the website, then apply that url to the configuration file.   The configuration file to be updated is: appsettings.json   Clarification: The http://localhost:80 is in the appsettings.json.  A DNS entry has been added so that "lp-staging" is the user-friendly url for the staging server.  Hence, the appsettings entry should be set to "https://lp-staging:5100" instead of localhost.

  1. Changes should be made in the Klein forked codebase or in Octopus deploy instead of the deployed file because those files will be no longer be in use when they deploy a newer version of the app from Octopus. Octopus always points to the latest file unless there is a rollback scenario.

Jira Metadata

Key: LP-73 Epic: n/a Created: 2021-04-05T15:59:45.000-0500 Reporter: Ashley Toscano

stephenfuqua commented 4 months ago

Jira Comment

Worked with Klein to create a url "https://lp-staging" for the staging server.  Config file will need to be set to "https://lp-staging:5100" in the appsettings.json

Jira Metadata

Created: 2021-04-14T21:51:01.637-0500 Commenter: Ashley Toscano