Open stephenfuqua opened 4 months ago
Worked with Klein to create a url "https://lp-staging" for the staging server. Config file will need to be set to "https://lp-staging:5100" in the appsettings.json
Created: 2021-04-14T21:51:01.637-0500 Commenter: Ashley Toscano
Jira Description
Klein will need to provide the proper URL for the Forgot Password link when a user clicks on Forgot Password. The API will generate a link the user will click on, but that link has a configuration setting Klein will need to determine. Currently the link is set to "http://localhost:80" which is the users computer. Klein will need to make the IIS website available on their intranet and create a binding hostname for the website, then apply that url to the configuration file. The configuration file to be updated is: appsettings.json Clarification: The http://localhost:80 is in the appsettings.json. A DNS entry has been added so that "lp-staging" is the user-friendly url for the staging server. Hence, the appsettings entry should be set to "https://lp-staging:5100" instead of localhost.
Jira Metadata
Key: LP-73 Epic: n/a Created: 2021-04-05T15:59:45.000-0500 Reporter: Ashley Toscano