EdCharbeneau / BlazorProSnippets

A collection of Blazor snippets for .NET ninjas.
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Snippet for JsRuntime.InvokeAsync #4

Closed EdCharbeneau closed 4 years ago

EdCharbeneau commented 5 years ago

Requested by Sillyporridge on show


EdCharbeneau commented 5 years ago

Suggested snippets

public async ValueTask<$bool$> $DotnetMethod$()
    return await _jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<$bool$>("$jsMethod$", DotNetObjectReference.Create(this), $args$);

public void $CallbackMethod$() {
    // some callback method
    // use the interopc snippet in a JavaScript file
    // to complete the JavaScript method
window.$jsNameSpace$ = {
    $jsMethodName$: function (dotnetHelper, args) {

        console.log("js method invoked");

        dotnetHelper.invokeMethodAsync('$CallbackMethod$', callbackArgs);

        console.log("dotnet method inovoked");
        // use the interopc snippet in a C# class file
        // to complete the JavaScript method

        return true;
EdCharbeneau commented 4 years ago

Added in 2.1