EdGarrity / SOS

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Pull in changes for issue #52 - Rewrite code to not copy the Individual object #54

Closed EdGarrity closed 5 years ago

EdGarrity commented 5 years ago

Branch "Prevent Incest" uses std::unordered_set to store collection of parents and grandparents in Individual. Compiler generated error:

Error C2280 'std::_Uset_traits<_Kty,std::_Uhash_compare<_Kty,_Hasher,_Keyeq>,_Alloc,false>::_Uset_traits(const std::_Uset_traits<_Kty,std::_Uhash_compare<_Kty,_Hasher,_Keyeq>,_Alloc,false> &)': attempting to reference a deleted function SOS c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include\xhash 209

A search on the Internet returns that this is caused when the object which owns the unordered set is copied. Issue #53 addressed this by rewriting code to not copy the Individual object.