EddieHubCommunity / EddieBot

Inclusive words Discord bot (no more "hey guys")
MIT License
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"Disabled" sensitivity prompt is incorrect #770

Closed GalaxyLittlepaws closed 1 year ago

GalaxyLittlepaws commented 1 year ago


Mentioning the word "disabled" triggers this sensitivity error, which is:

1- factually incorrect according to the greater disability community (please read these sources on the Identity-First Language movement) https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/i-am-disabled-on-identity-first-versus-people-first-language/ https://autisticadvocacy.org/about-asan/identity-first-language/ At the very least on this point, it should be deemed "up to the individual and what they prefer", as assuming that the person prefers person-first is mostly incorrect for the disabled community, and many heavily dislike being told how to refer to themselves and find that disempowering.

2- doesn't understand the context and there are many cases that have nothing to do with people but software/services instead (see screenshot below)



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eddiejaoude commented 1 year ago

We do mainly focus on tech in EddieHub, however, even the wider tech community is trying to use inclusive language when referring to tech and not people. For example default branches on GitHub now are no longer referred to as master but main. The same goes for white and black lists - soon this will also change for disabled, so we are leading the charge 💪

The bot is not perfect as you are right it doesn't know context, but it does still help us.

GalaxyLittlepaws commented 1 year ago

Did you read the information about Identity-First Language? Person-First Language is not always preferred and often is opposed by the people affected. So this prompt seems in poor taste. As I said, it's at the least up to each person how they wish to be seen as. Some may dislike being separated from their personal experiences, others may wish to be seen without them. But it's not a blanket "open and shut" issue for everyone in that community.

eddiejaoude commented 1 year ago

Did you read the README of the project? We use a library that specialise in this, I am no expert - feel free to make a contributions to the library to improve it, then any changes will be included in our project.

GalaxyLittlepaws commented 1 year ago

Okay, thank you. I will check that and contribute there.

eddiejaoude commented 1 year ago

Thanks 👍 Let us know how it goes