EddieHubCommunity / EddieBot

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Update Docker base image & JS dependencies #804

Closed dan-mba closed 1 month ago

dan-mba commented 1 month ago

I only tested the npm run build. I did not test the Docker build or running

Changes proposed

Update Docker base image to Node 20 Update JS dependency minor version Update @types/node to 20 Update Typescript to latest

The following dependency major versions need to be checked for breaking changes:

Package                           Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                                       Depended by
@commitlint/cli                    17.8.1  17.8.1  19.3.0  node_modules/@commitlint/cli                   EddieBot
@commitlint/config-conventional    12.1.4  12.1.4  19.2.2  node_modules/@commitlint/config-conventional   EddieBot
@discordjs/rest                     1.7.1   1.7.1   2.3.0  node_modules/@discordjs/rest                   EddieBot
@types/alex                         9.1.1   9.1.1  10.0.0  node_modules/@types/alex                       EddieBot
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin   5.62.0  5.62.0  7.13.0  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin  EddieBot
@typescript-eslint/parser          5.62.0  5.62.0  7.13.0  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser         EddieBot
alex                                9.1.1   9.1.1  11.0.1  node_modules/alex                              EddieBot
eslint                             8.57.0  8.57.0   9.4.0  node_modules/eslint                            EddieBot
eslint-config-prettier             8.10.0  8.10.0   9.1.0  node_modules/eslint-config-prettier            EddieBot
eslint-plugin-prettier              3.4.1   3.4.1   5.1.3  node_modules/eslint-plugin-prettier            EddieBot
husky                               6.0.0   6.0.0  9.0.11  node_modules/husky                             EddieBot
mongoose                           6.13.0  6.13.0   8.4.1  node_modules/mongoose                          EddieBot
prettier                            2.8.8   2.8.8   3.3.2  node_modules/prettier                          EddieBot
rimraf                              3.0.2   3.0.2   5.0.7  node_modules/rimraf                            EddieBot

Check List (Check all the applicable boxes)

eddiejaoude commented 1 month ago

I will test by deploying, if it fails, I can then test Caprover's role back feature etc

eddiejaoude commented 1 month ago

It built and deployed successfully, plus it works fine, but there is an error in the logs 🤔

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 08 55 15