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Color Contrast Not High Enough #302

Open YuriDevAT opened 10 months ago

YuriDevAT commented 10 months ago


Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds to meet the WCAG 2 AA .

Axe DevTools show that 6 elements do not meet color contrast on

Axe DevTools results showing 6 elements do not meet color contrast

Please find these elements and tips on how to improve in the next section πŸ‘‡πŸ½


I will show two ways that are valid for all 6 elements, using the first element as an example.

TL;DR - How To Solve

  1. Increase the value to a minimum of 19px AND set font-weight to a minimum of 700.
  2. Change text-color to a minimum of #171717.

πŸ’‘ Note: The black you are using #0F172A for the intro (Open Source community aimed at encouraging and promoting communication) would work just fine.

Element 1 - Link: <a><span>Get Started</span></a>

Get started today - link

How to solve

  1. Increase the value to a minimum of 19px AND set font-weight to a minimum of 700.
New values removes error
  1. Change text-color to a minimum of #171717. πŸ’‘ Note: The black you are using #0F172A for the intro (Open Source community aimed at encouraging and promoting communication) would work just fine. New value removes error

Element 2 - Paragraph: <p>Everyone is welcome to come and contribute to our open source projects.</p>

Paragraph showing error not meeting color contrast

Element 3 - Paragraph: <p>Community of inclusive Open Source people - Collaboration 1st, Code 2nd! Join our GitHub Org.</p>

Paragraph showing error not meeting color contrast

Element 4 - Heading 3: <h3>Discord</h3>

Heading showing error not meeting color contrast

Element 5 - Heading 3: <h3>GitHub</h3>

Heading showing error not meeting color contrast

Element 6 - Button: <button><span>Subscribe</span></button>

Button showing error not meeting color contrast

Additional information

Please find more information on color contrast issue and WCAG AA

https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.7/color-contrast?application=AxeFirefox https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/general/G18.html https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/contrast-minimum.html

kkrishguptaa commented 10 months ago

Thank you yuri! Very helpful!

kkrishguptaa commented 8 months ago
CodeTorso commented 8 months ago

Now the get started button just looks odd.

Can we have the background-color a bit more dark but the text as white??

This just looks more natural. I just feel like that, Not because I want to make my first PR in this projectπŸ˜„πŸ˜„
