EddieHubCommunity / support

Community Help & Support and AEA (Ask Everyone Anything)
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Please invite me to the GitHub Community Organization #8997

Open mehul-tamboli opened 2 weeks ago

mehul-tamboli commented 2 weeks ago


Mehul Tamboli

Discord Username (if applicable)


Additional Context

I discovered this through Linkedin and Eddi's YouTube channel. Because I liked this Collaboration first and then contribute, I am new to Open-source contribution.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

It's great having you contribute to this project

Welcome to the community :nerd_face:

If you would like to continue contributing to open source and would like to do it with an awesome inclusive community, you should join our Discord Server and our GitHub Organisation - we help and encourage each other to contribute to open source little and often 🤓 . Any questions let us know.