EddieHubCommunity / support

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Please invite me to the GitHub Community Organization #9023

Closed Durgesh4993 closed 1 week ago

Durgesh4993 commented 1 week ago


Durgesh Kumar Prajapati

Discord Username (if applicable)


Additional Context

I am a full stack PHP & MERN Developer. And also worked as an Open Source Developer. As an Open Source Contributor I have contributed to XWiki, The Tor Project and Omega Up Organization.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Invitation sent to join the GitHub Organisation. Welcome to the community 🎉

Don't forget after accepting to make it public so it appears on your GitHub profile for everyone else to see. You can do this by finding your name in the GitHub organisation list and change the dropdown to public https://github.com/orgs/EddieHubCommunity/people

Tips for practising:

Customise your GitHub profile, here is a course on that: https://www.udemy.com/course/make-your-github-profile-stand-out/
Practice repo, instructions on how to add your name to the README https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/hacktoberfest-practice
Remember contributing to open source is not just about code, it's about collaboration, communication and adding value
I hope that helps

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

It's great having you contribute to this project

Welcome to the community :nerd_face:

If you would like to continue contributing to open source and would like to do it with an awesome inclusive community, you should join our Discord Server and our GitHub Organisation - we help and encourage each other to contribute to open source little and often 🤓 . Any questions let us know.