EddyRivasLab / easel

Sequence analysis library used by Eddy/Rivas lab code
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Unicode characters in MSA files crash MSA parsers #17

Closed traviswheeler closed 7 years ago

traviswheeler commented 7 years ago

ID e11 TITLE Unicode characters in MSA files crash MSA parsers AFFECTS - FIXED_IN - STATUS CLOSED XREF - REPORTED_BY Jody Clements OPENED_DATE SRE, Thu Jan 22 14:22:54 2015 CLOSED_DATE SRE, Thu Jan 22 14:22:56 2015 DESCRIPTION
MSA file parsers require ASCII input because they use an inmap[0..127], but were not validating user input. Unicode characters result in out of bounds accesses and corruption. (Unaligned file parsers do validate.)

Fix is to have esl_abc_dsqcat_noalloc() (for digital mode) and esl_strmapcat_noalloc() (for text mode) validate that each char is ASCII.