EddyVerbruggen / Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin

:date: Cordova plugin to Create, Change, Delete and Find Events in the native Calendar
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Android modifyEvent() #527

Open BennoStaub opened 4 years ago

BennoStaub commented 4 years ago

Hey there

Is there a possibility to modify events for android? So far the only option I see would be to find the event, delete it and create the new modified event, but as we cannot define all parameters during event creation we couldn't always create an identical copy. What is the work around here?


BennoStaub commented 4 years ago

push :)

davidecampello commented 1 year ago

Hi!! Have you found a solution?

BennoStaub commented 1 year ago

Hi!! Have you found a solution?

Unfortunately not. We try to avoid modifying events, otherwise we delete the old one and create a new updated one...

davidecampello commented 1 year ago

yes, It's a big limitation.. because there can be a loss of informations deleting events. And maybe id change can generate problems. At the end we need modifications only on ios so It's ok, but I've seen that there is a fork where (it have to be tested and possibly manually modified) the modifications on android are implemented. There are also other plugins, for example https://github.com/Fir3st/capacitor-calendar if you use capacitor, but It have to be tested.. Thanks for your answer!