EddyVerbruggen / Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin

:date: Cordova plugin to Create, Change, Delete and Find Events in the native Calendar
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Created event with ID, creates a birthday event that automatically gets removed from the calendar. #530

Closed Simbaclaws closed 4 years ago

Simbaclaws commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to use your plugin in a ionic project. Whenever I create a event with createEvent(title, location, notes, startdate, enddate) On android (all devices and platforms), it will create an event as a birthday inside my calendar.

This event after a few seconds gets automatically removed. What could be the cause of this?

In the logcat logs it tells me this: D/Calendar: Created event with ID 164

So it succesfully goes through with creating the event.

When I create the event interactively with createEventInteractively, the event information is correct and I can press save my self with the event being correctly added to the calendar. So this only seems to happen for createEvent and createEventWithOptions.

I hope someone can shed some light as to why this is added as a birthday instead of an event when using createEvent.

Simbaclaws commented 4 years ago

Please ignore this issue, I did something wrong on my end.

I figured out that createEvent creates an event on the first calendar it can find, in my case this was the birthday calendar and this calendar is read only, hence it would be automatically removed.

After I used createEventWithOptions, I could pass in the calendar name and id in order to send the event to the proper calendar, this fixed my issue.