EddyVerbruggen / SSLCertificateChecker-PhoneGap-Plugin

:passport_control: Prevent Man in the Middle attacks with this Cordova plugin
MIT License
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iOS return invalid certificate only the first time #34

Closed rhunault closed 6 years ago

rhunault commented 7 years ago


I have problem similar to #21 on iOS9. When I make a loop for testing a bad fingerprint, 1st time it returns "CONNEXION_NOT_SECURE" (what I want), the next times "CONNEXION_SECURE" (why ?). Have you an idea where is the problem ?

Thanks, Romain

tom-kraak commented 7 years ago

I have the exact same issue, the first time it returns CONNECTION_NOT_SECURE, and the next one returns CONNECTION_SECURE.

webnator commented 6 years ago

The same issue here :(