EddyVerbruggen / SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget
MIT License
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Instagram issue on iOS #1111

Open sky-love opened 4 years ago

sky-love commented 4 years ago

Looks like sharing to Instagram is an issue on iOS for this plugin. I followed all the tips and still can't get IG to open on iOS 13. I see the icon on the list but it always prompts me to open the app separately which is missing the whole point as the user would have to save the image to their device first. Everything else works well.

window.plugins.socialsharing.shareViaInstagram - doesn't do anything

and the only way I can even show the IG icon is via this call:

window.plugins.socialsharing.share(null, null, 'www/images/png/pic.jpg', null);

Can anyone help?

IMG_2815 IMG_2816

(Is it me or is it that most of Cordova plugins seem outdated and unsupported? Most of the 5200 or so plugins on Cordova site is just pure junk, and this one is the ONLY workable social share plugin I could find! (scary) Cordova is a great platform for a web designer to make his first app but it seems like an old dying dinosaur. Is there anything else out there?)

gabepetersen commented 4 years ago

I'm also getting a similar issue when trying to share an image on Instagram. @ionic-native/social-sharing, which uses cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing works for Facebook and Twitter in iOS 14, but I found that Instagram only works up until iOS 12.

I also attempted to use cordova-instagram-plugin to try and open Instagram with the Instagram.share function. This requires a base64 image as a parameter, and I have tried to convert the image to base64 with cordova-plugin-camera and other methods, but I have not gotten the plugin to open Instagram either.

Here is ionic info:

   Ionic CLI          : 5.4.16
   Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.2
   @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.4

   Cordova CLI       : 9.0.0 (cordova-lib@9.0.1)
   Cordova Platforms : none
   Cordova Plugins   : cordova-plugin-ionic 5.2.1, cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.2.0, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.5.3, (and 18 other plugins)

   cordova-res (update available: 0.15.1) : 0.14.1
   native-run                             : 1.0.0

   NodeJS : v10.16.0 (/Users/gabepetersen/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.0/bin/node)
   npm    : 6.14.6
   OS     : macOS Catalina

Here is a snippet of package.json:

    "@ionic-native/instagram": "^4.20.0",
    "@ionic-native/camera": "^4.20.0",
    "@ionic-native/social-sharing": "^4.20.0",
    "cordova-plugin-camera": "4.0.3",
    "cordova-instagram-plugin": "^0.5.8",
    "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing": "^5.6.5",

Here is also a function for choosing an image from the camera roll and sharing it with the Instagram plugin. (I believe this is the correct structure, but it is not working):

  public shareInstagram() {
    // check if instagram is installed
    this.instagram.isInstalled().then((installed) => {
      if(installed) {
        console.log("Instagram Installed");
      } else {
        console.log("Instagram not installed on Device");
      return installed;
    }).then((installed) => {
      if(installed) {
        const options: CameraOptions = {
          quality: 50,
          sourceType: this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
          destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
          encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
          mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE,
        this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imageData) => {
          // use base64 string to share to instagram
          this.instagram.share(imageData).then(() => {
         }).catch((error: any) => {
        }).catch((err) => {
          console.log("Could not get picture for instagram", err);

I hope this can help get the issue more recognition. :)

elijahr commented 4 years ago

I was having trouble sharing to Instagram on iOS, and narrowed it down to two issues:

  1. I had cordova-plugin-facebook4 installed, and it was overwriting my LSApplicationQuerySchemes so that instagram didn't end up in my app's plist file. This is why I was getting the "Open the Instagram app and login to share this post" message; the instagram scheme wasn't whitelisted, even though I followed this plugin's documentation to whitelist it. You can check if this is your issue by examining platforms/ios/<YourAppName>/<YourAppName>-Info.plist and confirming whether instagram is present under LSApplicationQuerySchemes. I wrote this script to fix the plist file.
  2. Once the plist was fixed, I ran into a second issue: the mechanism that SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin uses to share to Instagram doesn't seem to work anymore, despite it still being in Instagram's developer documentation. See my PR #1113 for a workaround.
sky-love commented 4 years ago

Interestingly, now when I use this call to share "window.plugins.socialsharing.share" and I click on the IG icon, the dialog appears and I am able to post my image... window.plugins.socialsharing.shareViaInstagram still doesn't do anything.

I haven't updated my iOS (13.3) or anything. The only thing I did was to update SocialSharing plugin to version 6.0 beta. (cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing@6.0.0). 5.8 was making XCODE throw a lot of deprecated warnings..


EdByrnee commented 3 years ago

Any fix ever developed for this?