EddyVerbruggen / SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget
MIT License
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Typings conflict with TypeScript 4 #1123

Open dominic-simplan opened 3 years ago

dominic-simplan commented 3 years ago

Since TypeScript 4, there is a conflict with the Navigator.share() typing defined in the plugins typings:

(method) Navigator.share(data?: ShareData): Promise<void>
Subsequent property declarations must have the same type.  Property 'share' must be of type '(data?: ShareData) => Promise<void>', but here has type 'SocialSharingW3C'.ts(2717)
lib.dom.d.ts(10690, 5): 'share' was also declared here.