EddyVerbruggen / SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget
MIT License
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How to install the plugin in Xcode 7.3? #585

Open NMNiOS opened 8 years ago

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

Sir please provide me the steps, I have been struggling to install the plugin for the past three days.

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

you can install this plugin using "cordova" CLI tool by using this command cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa I am getting this error " Error: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project." Please help me to get rid of this error.

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

can you please paste the result of ls you need to create a cordova app for using this plugin

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

mani please do the following things 1)create a cordova project using cordova create MyCordovaApp com.mani.mycordovaapp MyCordovaApp 2)cd MyCordovaApp 3)Then add this plugin with cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing --save 4)Then add ios platform using cordova platform add ios 5)Now build the ios app using cordova build ios 6)Open files and search for .xcodeproject file under MyCordovaApp/platforms/ios/ double click that and it will open the app in xcode then you have to make the code for using this plugin

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa I will do the above mentioned steps and let you know asap This is my first app I have been instructed to build an native app, so I am proceeding with this...

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa I have added these files (SocialSharing.h and SocialSharing.m) into my project. Can I carryout installation with these files inside?

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

@NMNiOS but cordova is an hybrid apps framework

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa Is there any similar native plugins?

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

I am not sure I am not an native apps developer :)

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa I have did all the steps as instructed, please let me know the necessary steps to proceed further...

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

follow this please Using this plugin, you can learn cordova apps development from different tutorials on web

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa I opened the Xcode project file (MyCordovaApp) but there I don't find any of my previous work in it. Is there anything wrong with it?Can you please share your email id?

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

Now you have created a new app now open MyCordovaApp/www/index.html you need to work on this file from now

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa Is there any possibility of integrating my previous work ?

Dineshrajaa commented 8 years ago

can you create a repo of your previous work so I can take a look at it?

NMNiOS commented 8 years ago

@Dineshrajaa sorry I cant share the entire work, as there is no permission for that.All I want is to add the plugin into previous work as I have finished 60% of work.