EddyVerbruggen / cordova-plugin-googleplus

:heavy_plus_sign: Cordova plugin to login with Google Sign-In on iOS and Android
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Update plugin to use GCM Cocoapods <framework> reference in plugin.xml #272

Open chaffeqa opened 8 years ago

chaffeqa commented 8 years ago

Similar to what shazron did for phonegap-push-plugin

I'm gonna see if i can get one on our devs to contribute a pull request with this, but we are a small company with little bandwidth so I can't make any promises, sorry :(

EddyVerbruggen commented 8 years ago

Just a heads-up: the "problem" with cocoapods is that it's only supported with new cordova-ios versions so ppl will start running into issues once this lands.

chaffeqa commented 8 years ago

yeah, i think thought it would be nice to be ready to transition that way (have a pending pull request for when cordova-ios version drops, as well as allow those who would like to use nightlies to have a version of this plugin that work with that)

honestly its more the sooner plugin owners can stop getting issues opened due to embedded frameworks the better... i feel terrible for what you guys have to put up with, and i know you personally maintain a TON of great cordova plugins

I guess this issue was to put awareness on this cordova move, im so pumped for it!

macdonst commented 7 years ago

@EddyVerbruggen I still think we should be doing this across the board on plugins. There is supposed to be a feature in cordova where it picks the right version of the plugin depending on what version of the CLI you have installed. But of course there is currently a bug with that 😄

christophmegusta commented 7 years ago

hi Guys, how to handle this problem? I just added this plugin and now got this error too.