EddyVerbruggen / cordova-plugin-googleplus

:heavy_plus_sign: Cordova plugin to login with Google Sign-In on iOS and Android
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No type or protocol named 'GIDSignInDelegate' #752

Open saravanan-10 opened 2 years ago

saravanan-10 commented 2 years ago

I am developing an iOS app using Cordova framework. I am trying to send push notification using firebase.

So I have installed "cordova-plugin-firebasex" plugin, "cordova-plugin-googleplus" plugin and I have installed CocoaPod too.

I am getting below errors in GooglePlus.m and GooglePlus.h files when I try to build in Xcode.

Generics issue in GooglePlus.h file


ARCSemantic issues in GooglePlus.m file





Podfile informations below

source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/'
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'my app' do
    project 'Hourglass.xcodeproj'
    pod 'Firebase/Core', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Auth', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Performance', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/InAppMessaging', '8.11.0'
    pod 'FirebaseFirestore', :tag => '8.11.0', :git => 'https://github.com/invertase/firestore-ios-sdk-frameworks.git'
    pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Functions', '8.11.0'
    pod 'Firebase/Installations', '8.11.0'
    pod 'GoogleSignIn', '6.1.0'
    pod 'GoogleTagManager', '7.3.1'
    pod 'GoogleUtilities', '~> 7.2.2'

Can anyone help me why this issue is happening?

Thanks in advance!!

acosme commented 2 years ago

Hi @saravanan-10 try this config in pod:

    pod 'GoogleSignIn', '~> 5.0.2'
    pod 'GoogleUtilities', '~> 7.7.0'

exactly this versions... replace in your podfile and run pod install...

rL071 commented 1 year ago


Did you find a solution ?

Thanks in advance for answer

alicanyimaz commented 1 year ago

pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '~> 16.0' pod 'FBSDKCoreKit_Basics', '~> 16.0' pod 'FBSDKGamingServicesKit', '~> 16.0' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', '~> 16.0' pod 'FBSDKShareKit', '~> 16.0' pod 'Firebase/Auth', '10.6.0' pod 'Firebase/Core', '10.6.0' pod 'Firebase/Firestore', '10.6.0' pod 'GoogleSignIn', '>= 4.0.2' end

same problem. No type or protocol named 'GIDSignInDelegate'

Subhimarabe commented 1 year ago

same problem. No type or protocol named 'GIDSignInDelegate'.

Did anyone find a solution.

thank you in advance